INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS FOCUS AREA PROGRAMMES The purpose of the nine focus area programmes is to build the knowledge base by directing research into areas of strategic importance to South Africa
Access: Focus Area Programmes Who may apply for funding ? Same as before but emphasis on research training component in definition of research organisation was scaled down Funding cycles: All researchers: Two years times three and then to obtain a rating if not rated NRF rated researchers: Up to 5 years, but synchronised with rating cycle
How to Select an Appropriate Focus Area Programme Applicants should first consider applying to the other programmes before choosing: Distinct South African Research Opportunities Unlocking the Future Special conditions for: Indigenous Knowledge Systems Sea and the Coast Programme II
Process Forms: Validation by institution NRF screening Postal peer review Panel assessment Awards Feedback (on request) Appeals (unlikely to be considered due to thorough process)
Postal Peer Review 4 - 6 reviewers (specialists) of scientific merit Applicant may nominate or veto Significance (originality / innovation / importance / viability in terms of contribution to disciplines) Approach (Justification / methods / design / newness) Feasibility (expertise, progress, preliminary data)
Panel Review Scientific merit informed by the peer reviewer reports Relevance to Focus Area Human Resource Capacity Development Strategic importance of outcomes Appropriateness of resources Advice on fundability and level of funding Student support Operating costs Staff development grants