Silently Read (independently) “A House of My Own” and “Mango Street Says Goodbye Sometimes” After you finish, answer in a journal entry: How has Esperanza changed over the course of the book? Consider the experiences and relationships that shaped her as well as the personality traits she has always had. What is your opinion of her by the end?
What kind of immigrants live on Mango Street?
What is the American Dream?
To go from rags to riches
What is Esperanza’s dream?
To have her own house away from Mango Street
Why doesn’t Esperanza dance at the baptism party?
She is embarrassed because she is wearing old shoes
How does Esperanza plan to get up from the table from now on?
Like a man (not pushing in her chair or cleaning up her plate)
Why will Esperanza let bums live in her attic?
She knows what it is like to not have a home
Why was Esperanza so angry about the boys kissing Sally?
She remembers what it is like to be kissed against her wishes
What is the most tangible sign of achieving the American Dream?
Owning a home
What does Esperanza plan to do after she leaves Mango Street?
Come back to help the people still trapped there
What traps the women on Mango Street?
Their marriage/husbands