INSPIRE Development of Implementing Rules 22 November 2005 INSPIRE Development of Implementing Rules Hans Dufourmont Eurostat D-2, Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 4th WS on Common GIS reporting for WISE 22 November 2005 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information
Status of Co-decision at first reading INSPIRE Status of Co-decision at first reading
Overall status EP first reading opinion adopted 7 June 2005 Unanimous political agreement reached in Council on 24 June 2005 Commission does not support the agreement Four MSs (ES, PT, AT, CZ) share Cion concerns
EP first reading Strongly supports Commission proposal Various technical clarifications Some limitation of comitology Extra safeguards for public data providers in relation to public access, sharing and IP Community data included in infrastructure
Council first reading Incorporates EP (and other) technical improvements, but: IPR generally takes precedence over obligations in relation to public access and sharing Cumbersome procedure to adopt implementing rules by comitology
Next steps Formal Common Position expected late autumn October 05 – January 06: high-level preparatory discussions with a number of member states Second reading probable start February 2006 After this, EP has 3 months to adopt second reading opinion After this, Council has 3 months to adopt Common Position at second reading If still no agreement, “conciliation” process
Drafting Teams Selection and results INSPIRE Drafting Teams Selection and results
IR development process Association phase Call for expression of Interest Collection of existing reference material Composition of Drafting Teams Drafting phase Drafting first version of IR Co-ordination by Consolidation team Review phase Scientific and technical review by the SDICs Feedback from LMOs on feasibility of implementation Consolidation phase Broad internet consultation
Results of the call for Experts 22-06-2005 Spatial Data Interest Communities (SDICs) 139 Legally Mandate Organisations (LMOs) 89 Proposed Experts 193 Referenced Materials 96 Identified Projects 94 Results of the call for Experts
Selection Process: Selection Criteria
Organisational Structure INSPIRE 22 November 2005 Organisational Structure ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information
The role of Drafting Teams (DT) INSPIRE The role of Drafting Teams (DT) 22 November 2005 to analyse and review the reference material to write the technical annexes for the draft INSPIRE Implementing Rules to provide recommendations to the CT (in case of conflicting technical specifications) to provide suggestions to the CT for testing any proposed specification ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information
Status in of activities in the Drafting Teams INSPIRE Status in of activities in the Drafting Teams
Communication Policy Draft IR v.0 is internal to DT and CT Once a draft (v.1) is ready and reviewed by CT, it is published on INSPIRE Web site When Revised Draft (v.2) is published, it is open for comments by SDICs/LMOs via their contact points Revised (V.3) is open for public review Final Draft is submitted by EC to INSPIRE Committee
DT Metadata The scope of MD needs more focus clarification of boundaries between discovery, exploration, evaluation, exploitation and use is needed articulation of different levels of granularity of MD according to relevance for each user community IR to include both MD on data and services (v.1 April 2006)
DT Data Harmonisation Detailed definitions on data specs and exchange Survey of existing initiatives Definition of Annex Themes and scope Report on findings of survey first draft generic conceptual model first draft methodologies for specification development first draft IR for data exchange (30-9-2006) v.1 of generic conceptual model impact assessment on use of this model
DT Network services Find consensus on network services IR requirements analyse initial survey on NS in MS first reference model defining NS, their requirements and interrelations on abstract level
DT Data and Service Sharing description of basic terminology analysing requirements (basically from the Commissions side) creating models/scenarios evaluating models write the actual Implementing Rule (April-May 2006) simulating measures for the deployment
DT Monitoring and Reporting Analysis registered reference material Note on methodology of State of Play Linkage with other monitoring initiatives Definition of typical measurements of performance of services Set up and review monitoring indicators draft IR v.0 for monitoring (June 2006) draft IR v.0 for reporting (June 2006) Questions are welcome !