Scranton School District 2018 Proposed Budget December 28, 2017
Proposed Budget Deficit Recap from December 28th, 2017 2018 Proposed Revenues 11/20/17 $145,946,415 2018 Proposed Expenditures 11/20/17 $164,648,626 2018 Proposed Budget Deficit 11/20/17 ($18,702,211) Proposed Revenue Adjustments $6,406,954 Proposed Expenditure Reductions $3,453,017 Proposed Other Financing Sources $5,314,701 Proposed Adjustments to Budget $15,174,672 Proposed Unbalanced Budget ($3,527,539)
Summary of 2018 Proposed Revenue Adjustments Revenue Recommendations: Millage Increase to Act 1 Cap $1,481,526 Must be Board approved 3.8% Cap Business Privilege / Mercantile Tax $300,000 Increased is based on 2017 collections Earned Income Tax $100,000 Increased based on 2017 collections Tuition – Electric City Academy $240,000 Enroll 16 out of district placements beginning Sept 2018 Basic Ed Funding Adjustment $667,695 Estimated increase based on historical trends Special Ed Funding – Adjustment $57,733 Estimated increase based on historical trends Rent subsidy increase $100,000 Recurring bond reimburse Rent subsidy increase $700,000 Based on conversations with PDE. Stop Loss Reimbursement $400,000 Moses Taylor Grant Social Workers $50,000 Grant Medical Access Funding for ECA $300,000 Facilities Use Increases $10,000 PDE Empowerment Fund $2,000,000 Purpose to aid in 2018 Budget Total $6,406,954
Summary of 2018 Proposed Expenditure Adjustments PSERS rate reduction $75,123 Central Administration Budget Cuts $46,652 Wilson Language, Grade 2 Implementation $110,000 ELA Curriculum Resources $292,000 Lesson Plan Electronic Templates $10,500 AP/PSAT Exam Cost $35,919 Accelerated Reader $40,476 20% Budget Cut from Buildings (600-800) $442,262 Student Transportation for Field Trips $30,000 Student Activity/Competition Travel (Non-sport related) $0 Central Office Restructuring - 3 yr savings $649,846 $124,700 (Pending board approval) Copier Proposal - $395,900 savings over life of lease $0 Negotiated 1201 Staff Reductions not included in 2018 Proposed Budget $124,286
Summary of 2018 Proposed Expenditure Adjustments - Continued Healthcare Savings $500,000 Communication CostSavings – Cell Phones $26,500 Homebound Instruction Online – effective 9/1/18 $55,000 Approx Winter / Summer School Online $93,000 Approx TAN Interest Reduction $30,744 Reduction to Athletic Director Budgets $26,900 Reduction to IT Department Budgets $150,000 Reductions to School Board Budgets $7,500 Intermediate Interscholastic Sports Program $50,632 4% Salary Reduction to Admin over $70,000 $180,823 Teacher Furloughs Estimate (89) $1,000,000 Total $3,453,017
Summary of 2018 Proposed Other Financing Sources Revenue Recommendations: Healthcare Trust Transfer $3,300,000 Debt Service Fund Transfer $2,014,701 Total $5,314,701
2018 Proposed Placeholder Budget 2018 Revenues and Other Sources $157,668,070 2018 Expenditures $161,195,609 2018 Deficit ($3,527,539)