x x x y y y Twiss fctns (from REVMOC data) Dispersion
Matched phase space (5E-07 mr)
“Pencil beam” studies (5E-09 mr, 40k µ– initially) beam loss (#)
781 e– in halo
Most particles lost due to low energy > collimate after a dipole > enhanced loss after straight section Cloud of electrons around the IP > cautious estimate: few 10-5 of µ beam > ≤ 90% of these from last ≈ 30 m > remaining 10% from uniform around ring Long low-energy tail > obviously from nearby decays Results biased by uniform decay energy
Several REVMOC inaccuracies to be remedied using 3.3356 for 1/c, 3.14159 for π, etc. single precision REALs … Check DIMAD against MAD8 differences with the IR gradient dipoles? Add correct energy spectrum for µ-decay Add synchrotron radiation for primary & decay p. Add feature to locate decay point for a lost particle Need a lattice that works.