English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – lesson one English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Answer one question on An Inspector Calls (from a choice of two) Answer one question on the poetry cluster you have studied from the Anthology Answer two questions on poems you haven’t seen before Section A – Modern text Section B – Poetry Section C – Unseen Poetry Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Apply existing knowledge of key poetry terminology
English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – lesson one Make notes ON your anthology – first page of Power and Conflict cluster about how to approach the anthology poems – keep notes clear and concise as you will need to keep referring back to these! English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes We have chosen to study the poems about POWER and CONFLICT In the exam, you have to compare two of the poems in a full essay. You have 45 minutes to do this. Answer one question on the poetry cluster you have studied from the Anthology There are 15 poems in the anthology that you need to know REALLY well. You will be given one poem and can choose the one you would like to compare it to. Section B – Poetry You will not have a choice of questions and you will not have an anthology – which is why it is so important that you know the poems well. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Apply existing knowledge of key poetry terminology
English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – lesson one English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes What you must do: 1- Give your own thoughts and opinions on the poems and support them with quotes from the text. 2- Explain features like form, structure and language. 3- Describe the similarities and differences between poems and their contexts. Answer one question on the poetry cluster you have studied from the Anthology Section B – Poetry Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Apply existing knowledge of key poetry terminology
English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – lesson one English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Five Steps to Analysing poetry 1- Work out what the poem’s about What’s the subject? Look at the Narrative Voice - whether it’s written in the first person (I), second person (you) or third person (he/she). Think about who the poem is addressing (eg; the narrator’s lover, the reader etc). 2- Identify the form and structure of the poem Is it rigid and regular or loose and irregular? Does the poem rhyme? Why has the poet chosen this form? What mood / effect does it create? How is the poem laid out? Are lines and stanzas regular / irregular? Does it use enjambment? How does it use punctuation? How does the ‘story’ of the poem evolve? How does the tone change? You have already copied down these 5 steps in full for approaching unseen poetry - it is exactly the same! Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Apply existing knowledge of key poetry terminology
English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – lesson one English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Five Steps to Analysing poetry 3- What language is used to create these effects? How does the language support your comments about mood and tone? Look at any Language techniques that are used; eg; personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia. What is their effect? Focus on how language creates imagery. 4- Identify the feelings and attitudes in the poem. What is the main emotion in the poem? Does it change? Does the poet want you to share his/her feelings? Or do they just want you to understand (empathise with) their feelings? How does the poem make you feel? 5- Your own personal response to the poem Is this poem effective? Does it have the desired impact on a reader? Is it enjoyable to read or difficult for a reader to access? Any other personal reflections You have already copied down these 5 steps in full for approaching unseen poetry - it is exactly the same! Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Apply existing knowledge of key poetry terminology
TONE? LINKS TO CONTEXT TO JUSTIFY TONE? Ensure you have these 5 steps, key things to remember and TOP TIPS written down CLEARLY on the first page of the ‘Power and Conflict’ cluster in your anthology. Steps Remember Step 1: Work out the subject of the poem WHAT’S IT ABOUT? Step 2: Identify the purpose, theme or message THINK ABOUT WHY IT’S BEEN WRITTEN. WHAT IS THE MESSAGE? POET’S INTENTIONS? Step 3: Explore the emotions, moods or feelings TONE? LINKS TO CONTEXT TO JUSTIFY TONE? IDENTIFY LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES, KEY WORDS AND STRUCTURAL DEVICES– IMPACT OF EACH Step 4: Identify the techniques used in the poem SUGGEST IMPACT/EFFECT ON READER. READER REACTION? CONTEMPORARY VS MODERN? We, as readers are forced to consider/feel… Step 5: Include your thoughts and feelings about the poem Top Tips for Top Grades Offer more than one interpretation and try to be insightful – think outside the box – say something everyone else won’t say Explore links made within the poem - consider the semantic field, structure as a whole (cyclical, use of parallel syntax, similarities/differences between first and last lines) Remain critical about the voice of the speaker or poet – what are they trying to accomplish? Are they successful? Consider how the context influenced the poet’s views at the time and whether these views remain the same today Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Apply existing knowledge of key poetry terminology
English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – lesson one English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes There are 15 key poems in the anthology. We are going to study all of them, in detail, considering the main headings of Form and Structure Language Feelings and Attitudes As we complete each poem, you will need to add detailed notes/annotations to your anthology. If you miss any poem, it is your responsibility to catch up – ask peers or ask me to upload power-points, but ensure it is done! Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Apply existing knowledge of key poetry terminology
English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – lesson one English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes What do these words mean? Find out for homework and start a “Poetry Glossary”. These words will be on the homework hub for you – you can do this on a computer or handwritten, just keep them neat! Adding examples may help you! Alliteration- Ambiguity- Assonance- Autobiographical- Blank verse- Caesura- Chronological- Colloquial- Consonance- Dialect- Dramatic Monologue- Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Apply existing knowledge of key poetry terminology