Progress of Interactions Among CCSM and Other Modeling Efforts Bill Collins National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) National Centers for Env. Prediction (NCEP) GFDL and GSFC (other attendees)
Interactions with ESMF Project Clarification of CCSM’s reasons for adopting ESMF: Enable incorporation of assimilation capabilities Simplify construction of complex, hierarchical models Facilitate development of single-executable CCSM CCSM has adopted a thorough set of acceptance tests: Test plan has been reviewed by SSC and WG co-chairs. The first phase starts on Jan. 1, 2005, ends in Sep. 2005. CCSM and SCD are seeking to support ESMF: We submitted a NASA MAP proposal in Nov. 2004. The proposal would support dedicated ESMF SE in CSEG.
Acceptance Test Plan for ESMF Phases: Test ESMF in stand-alone CAM & CLM. Test ESMF in full CCSM. Rationale for two-phase approach: All ESMF functionality needed for CCSM is not yet ready. Risk of resource commitment is minimized if we just test two components. Stand-alone CAM has a much larger external user community than CCSM. CAM is better instrumented for performance evaluation.
Components of the Phase 1 Plan Quantitative acceptance metrics for: Computational performance Solution separation Memory requirements Qualitative survey metrics Evaluation of ESMF-enabled code by: Atmospheric Model Working Group Land Model Working Group Software Engineering Working Group
Other Criteria for Phase 1 Acceptance Commitment to customer support Long-term software produce support Stability of software interfaces Support on CCSM production platforms
Implications of a Successful Phase 1 ESMF will be incorporated into the CAM and CLM base code. CSEG will begin phase 2 acceptance tests. External CAM and CLM users will need to install ESMF.
Interactions with NCEP Bill Collins visited NCEP in May 2004 for: Two-day briefing on NCEP’s modeling activities Discussions of possible collaborations Results: Agreement to use Don Johnson’s tests of dynamics Agreement to explore climate model test-bed concept Follow-up activities: Phil Rasch (AMWG co-chair) attended conference on isentropic coordinates organized by Johnson and Randall. Phil is working with Don on applying tests to FV dynamics.
Interactions with GSFC and GFDL GSFC – comments from Michele Rienecker GFDL – presentation by Isaac Held (2:15)