The Organization of Living Things Section 3
I. The Benefits of Being Multicellular A. Multicellular organisms grow by making more small cells, not by making their cells larger B. Some benefits of being multicellular Larger size many multicellular organisms are small usually larger than single-celled prey to few predators eat a wider variety of prey
Longer Life the life span of a multicellular organism is not limited to the life span of one cell Specialization each type of cell has a special job specialization makes cells more efficient example cardiac cells = heart
II. Cells Working Together A. tissue is a group of cells that work together to perform a specific job materials around and between cells are considered part of the tissue B. Animals have 4 basic types of cells nerve muscle connective protective
C. Plants have 3 basic tissues transport- moves water and nutrients protective - covers the plant; retains water; protects plant for damage ground - photosynthesis takes place here
III. Tissues Working Together A. Organ a structure that is made up of 2 or more tissues working together to perform a specific function example - heart made of cardiac muscle nerve muscle blood vessels stomach muscle tissue connective tissue nervous tissue
B. Plants have different types of tissue leaf- contains tissue to trap light for energy stems and roots are also organs
C. Organs Working Together groups of organs working together to perform a particular function is an organ system examples - digestive system stomach, intestines plant organ systems leaf, root and stem systems
IV. Organisms A. Anything that can perform life processes by itself is an organism unicellular - single celled organism bacteria protists some kinds of fungi B. Some unicellular live together in colonies but each cell must carry out life processes
V. Structure and Function A. Structure is the arrangements of parts in an organism includes shape of part material made of B. Function is the job the part does ex