The Power of Smart Regions Robert Linnekamp Chairman Klimaatverbond Nederland, Alderman municipality of Zaanstad
Energy Transition 160 member working together From Fossil to Renewable
Where are we now?
In Everybody’s Backyard! Where are we going?
Financial crisis Ecological crisis Context = Crisis The Chinese characters for crisis mean two other words: Danger and Opportunities. In every crisis lies the seat of opportunity Ecological crisis
The way forward is innovation: Technical, production & reduction Economic, new financial arrangements Social, new networks and alliances Systems innovation
Innovation takes places within regional networks of government, business, civil society and knowledge institutions Climate issues can only be solved with a collaborative approach Smart Regions
1. The Power of Smart Governments Understand trends Understand goals Understand new roles Traditional role = policy making: EU = regulation NL = (financial) support Local = execution (> 80 cities with roadmaps) / NET-COM project New (?) role = lead by example 1. The Power of Smart Governments
2. The Power of Smart People The sun produces enough energy for all our needs. Trend = active society, civilians and business; pro-sumers break open traditional markets Goal = acceleration, brings chaos New role = facilitator Examples: Amsterdam-Zuid Lochem 2. The Power of Smart People
3. The Power of Smart Networks Trend = collaboration Goal = critical mass New role = partner Innovation takes places within regional networks of government, business and knowledge institutions Climate issues can only be solved with a collaborative approach Examples: Electric Cars MRA Green Hub Arnhem / Nijmegen 3. The Power of Smart Networks
4. The Power of Smart Cities Trend = integration of systems / energy logistics / smart grids Goal = systems innovation (production & reduction / technical & social) New role = integral director Cities have capacity (financial and knowledge) to lead within regions Examples: REloadIT / e-harbours – experiments with smart grids The Hague - 4. The Power of Smart Cities
Challenge #1 Houses & Offices First reduction, then production Most profitable, Largest potential, 40% of total energy consumption within our cities Challenge #1
Deltaplan 2.0
The Power of Smart Regions = + + + 4. Smart Cities 3. Smart Networks Starting point for Deltaplan 2.0 = Smart Regions = combination of 1-4 2. Smart People + 1. Smart Governments
The Power of Smart Regions = + + + + 5. Smart Leaders 4. Smart Cities 3. Smart Networks + + 5 = Smart Leaders that can buikd a wider movement for a sustainable future! 2. Smart People + 1. Smart Governments
Example of a leader: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth." Geluidsfragment: 1961
We all know what happened. 1969
In Everybody’s Backyard? So
Sure We Can! Using the Power of Smart Regions: Sure We Can! Thank you for your attention.