Feedback from Article 5 workshop


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Presentation transcript:

Feedback from Article 5 workshop Claire MCCAMPHILL Water Resources Unit C1 DG Environment

Presentations from Denmark, Scotland, Ireland, Austria, Germany WORKSHOP ON UPDATING WFD ARTICLE 5 ANALYSIS AND MAKING BETTER USE OF THIS INFORMATION IN THE SECOND CYCLE RBMPs Brussels, 21 January 2014 Presentations from Denmark, Scotland, Ireland, Austria, Germany Final report

Workshop focus fundamental links between Article 4 (Objectives), Article 5 (Pressures), Article 8 (Monitoring) and Article 11 (Programmes of Measures) the central ‘storyline’ of the WFD

Purpose 1st cycle RBMPs -absence of clear link between the measures adopted and the Article 5 analysis. Better POMs in the second cycle Ensure the measures are informed by the analyses of water status, pressures and impacts required under Article 5 Sharing of good practice between MS (agri & hymo pressures)

Learning lessons from 1st cycle increased knowledge from monitoring and assessment programmes should be refining 2nd cycle Article 5 analysis should allow for better quantification of significant pressures Need to move from adjectives to numbers (eg x measures needed to deliver y tonnes reduction of n and p to reach nutrient conditions consistent with good status)

Will result in better targeted measures, that can be more easily tracked/monitored This quantification is necessary for reporting in the second cycle How big are the pressures preventing achievement of good status (eg how much tonnes of nutrients, what volume of flow, how many barriers to migration need to be addressed ?) This should be the starting point for the development of the 2nd cycle POMs

Testing the ground Q: Are MS approaching 2nd cycle with much better information on the scale and impact of the significant pressures? A: YES……but significant variation in the extent to which this evidence was really driving the river basin management planning process. Some member states - considerable progress, others appear to have only made marginal improvements.

Better POMs in the second cycle For those MS that have not made such progress, contact those that have Don’t reinvent the wheel - read CIS guidance doc no. 3 - adapt workable models from other MS - adapt decision support tools used by other MS Ensure the critical links between art 4,5,8, 11 and established at the start of the 2nd cycle