FIFTH YEAR SUBJECT CHOICE for TY students CBC MONKSTOWN FIFTH YEAR SUBJECT CHOICE for TY students Leaving Certificate 2021 Thursday 28th February 2019
Procedure for Subject Choice Own research using Qualifax and Careers Portal, talking to teachers, parents etc Completion of Options Form: Students indicate their preferences 1-5 Applied Maths and RE are offered as an EIGTH or extra subject – therefore students still pick 3 options from the list Forms to be handed in the Tuesday 19th March after Easter break, in order of receipt
2c. Subjects that have a project or practical component DESIGN & COMMUNICATION GRAPHICS (40%) Economics (20%) *** (new course) ART (62.5%) History of Art (37.5%) GEOGRAPHY (20%) HOME ECONOMICS (20%) MUSIC (50%) HISTORY (20%) RELIGION (20%) LANGUAGES (LISTENING AND ORAL – UP TO 50%)
3. Requirements 3 TYPES OF REQUIREMENTS 1. COLLEGE requirements 2. FACULTY OR COURSE requirements 3. POINTS
2. Course Requirements There may be a particular course requirement for many courses at college. The subjects mainly concerned are the Languages and the Sciences and Maths grades/levels (medicine UCD, 732 pts – min 480 + HPAT). There may also be a requirement to achieve a certain grade and level in certain subjects for many courses at college. (H2 in Maths – Actuary, UCD. H4 in Maths/H6 Maths & H4 Ap Maths, DIT).
Third language Essential for (unless exempt): Entry into N.U.I. Universities, e.g. UCD, UCC, Maynooth, UCG Exceptions: Nursing Engineering, Science, Social Science & Ag Science in UCD DIT - Various Courses in Tourism, Hotel, Leisure, Business with Languages and Culinary Arts Courses Cadetships with the Defence Forces Gardaí – English/Irish AND a third language *Maynooth university have removed 3rd language requirement from business, finance & accounting courses.
Laboratory Science (Chemistry, Biology, Physics) Essential for: *Most Level 8 courses in Science, Engineering, Medical, Para-Medical and some Technical Courses in Universities and the DIT Product Design (NCAD) *UCD Science will accept Geography and Applied Maths if a candidate has no lab science Useful for: Level 7/ Level 6 Courses in Science and Engineering Some Apprenticeships
Science IS also required for Forestry and Horticulture (UCD) Human Nutrition (UCD) Nursing and Dental Nursing Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy (or Hons Maths/Applied Maths) Optometry (DIT) Human Nutrition and Dietetics (DIT) Environmental Health (DCU) Equine Science (UL) PE Teacher Training (DCU) Earth Sciences (TCD) Clinical Measurement (DIT)
Two Science Subjects However 2H5s (tbc) Dentistry, Medicine (UCC) Medicine, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Human Genetics, Nanoscience (TCD) *Science, Pharmacy, Medicinal Chemistry, Earth Sciences (TCD) However *Hons Maths/App Maths = 1 Science for Human Genetics, Physiotherapy and Nanoscience (TCD) *Hons Maths/App Maths or Hons Geog = 1 Science for Science, Pharmacy, Medicinal Chemistry,Earth Sciences (TCD)
Science is NOT required for Social Science Arts – up to thirty subjects in this area Law Business Primary Teaching Many Computer Science Degree Courses Science in UCD if student has Geography/Applied Maths
Honours Maths Honours Maths is required for: Honours Engineering Degree Courses Actuarial Studies (UCD & DCU) Mathematical Sciences Statistics – BA Joint Hons (UCD) Computer Science (TCD & UCD) Management Science & Information Systems Studies (TCD) Economics and Finance (UCD) Business Analytics (UCD)
Things to note 150 courses on the CAO require a Science subject 7 courses require Chemistry, e.g. Veterinary UCD, H4 2 courses require Biology, e.g.Human Health and Disease, TCD requires H5 Biology & H5 in another Lab Science 1 course requires Physics 61 courses require HL Maths, e.g. Level 8 Engineering, Computer Science TCD & UCD 21 courses require HL Irish, e.g. Primary Teaching No course requires Business as a specific subject Since 2012 there are 25 bonus points for each grade at HL Maths, this will still be in place but will NOT be offered to students obtaining H7 ** – Students tab, useful tools, minimum subject requirements, Leaving Cert subjects cbcmonkstownguidance twitter page Careers information @CBCGuidance
Curriculum Information has information on the Leaving Certificate subjects Open the ‘What to study’ Under ‘school subject choices’ click on ‘Leaving Cert Subjects’ Menu of all subjects available There are further links to course content, exam layout, etc. – useful for specific subject requirements for specific courses Past papers on – exam material archive section (Careerfile/Course Search/Subject Choice) (Overview of all LC subjects) (A-Z Career Database with description of different jobs) (Overview of many careers in the Careerpath section) (Overview of courses and careers in engineering)
Details: 2019-21: Approximately 70 students 3 Class Groups 42 Class Periods a week 1 x Double PE Class per week 3 x Religion Classes per week 1 x Career Guidance Class per week English, Irish, Maths, French/German – all banded 21 Examination Subjects Available Timetable Restrictions Students select 7 subjects
21 Subjects: Aside from English, Irish, Maths & French/German, select your top 5 choices. Accounting Applied Maths Art Biology Business Chemistry Classical Studies Design & Communications Graphics Economics (New Course) English French Geography German History Home Economics Irish Latin Mathematics Music Physics Religious Education
Details: Applied Maths is an option here outside school hours Students select top 5 in order of top choice first and so on Subjects have to be grouped so the desired combination may not be obtainable but we will try to accommodate all requirements as best we can