Happiness Popularity Safety Integrity Future Goals Money Write down the top 5 things that you value. Happiness Popularity Safety Integrity Future Goals Money Athletics Immediate Gratification Friends Family Acceptance Faith Academics Dating Music Art Dance Cheerleading
What is the worst decision you have made? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3kxBiZd61M http://youtu.be/JMjSZhXHiHo http://youtu.be/nzl3zrGaJwc
WHY???? Why did you do it? Why do people make dumb decisions? Why is decision making important?
You are a result of your past decisions Your future is based on your decisions today
Important Decisions in High School Friends Classes College Activities/ Sports Stress Nutrition Drugs Relationships Sex Time Future
Decision Making Model Consider values State Situation List the possible options Weigh outcomes Consider values Make decision Evaluate
Consider your values. What do you really value? Happiness Popularity Safety Integrity Future Goals Making Parents Angry Immediate Gratification Friends Family Acceptance
“What you value most is what you will sacrifice all else for!!!” What do you value?
What have these people sacrificed because of their decisions? FAMILY REPUTATION CAREER CAREER FREEDOM HALL OF FAME What have these people sacrificed because of their decisions? FREEDOM MONEY CAREER FREEDOM MONEY REPUTATION LIFE
Other Possible Obstacles to Wise Choices Brain development Moods Hormones Peer Pressure Family Background Experience Stress Habits Self Deception
Every kind of Addiction begins with similar self-deception. “This won’t hurt anybody” “I’ll only do it once” “I’ll be careful” “I can handle it” “I can quit whenever I want” “It’s no big deal” “I’ll be safe” “I’m not stupid about it” “I’m not doing anything wrong” “People do it all the time” “I’m not hurting anyone” “Nobody’s going to find out” “Nothing bad is going to happen” “All my friends are doing it”
YOU Standard of Judgment Who determines if a decision is wrong or right? Parents, teachers, counselors, police, minister, God, friends YOU
What are 2 things that keep you from making wise decisions? Moods Hormones Peer Pressure Family Background Experience Stress Habits Self Deception Other
“What you value most is what you will sacrifice all else for!!!” What do you value?
How do you make a wise decision? WISE- discerning and judging soundly concerning what is true and false, proper or improper
Just answer this one question: Is this a wise thing to do?
1. “Based on previous experience, is this a wise thing to do?” “Those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 2. “Based on current circumstances, what is the wise thing to do?” Angry, depressed, stressed, happy, worried? Life is seasonal
3. “Based on future goals, what is the wise thing to do today?” Mental picture of the future “You are tomorrow what you choose to be today”
What starts every great accomplishment? “Greatness is never an accident”
Goal Setting Process Select Goal Describe steps it will take to reach goal. Identify sources of help Set a reasonable time frame Establish checkpoints
There are only 2 great pains in life: 1. Discipline 2. Regret "You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can decide how you're going to live now."
Dream Wreckers Most people’s dream don’t come true. We wreck our future with bad decisions today What are you willing to risk all your dreams for? A moment, a habit, a weekend, a promise, a party, a friend, a boyfriend/ girlfriend?