Facts about the United States AMERICA!! Facts about the United States
America’s Population Official Name: United States of America The United States of America is the world's third largest country in size America’s Population
The President He has been president The President of America is…. Barack Obama He has been president for over 4 years. The President
The Presidents Home The White House Barack Obama and his family live in…. The White House It has 162 rooms!! The Presidents Home
The Capital Washington D.C. The capital of America is… D.C. stands for District of Columbia The Capital
The American Flag The 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies The 50 stars represent the 50 states of America The American Flag
The States of America How Many Can you Name? The country is divided into six regions: New England; the mid-Atlantic; the South; the Midwest; the Southwest, and the West These are divided up into the 50 states of America, these our similar to our 32 counties How Many Can you Name? The States of America
The 50 States