(Spring 2016) Instructor: Craig Duckett Lecture 20: Thursday, June 2nd TEAM WORK DAY
PHASE 3: Develop GRADED! PHASE 4: Distribute due Tuesday, May 31st PHASE 5: Document due Tuesday, June 7th TEAM CLIENT PRESENTATIONS on Thursday, June 9th
Five Phase Due Dates One (1) Team Project for a Client (3-to-4 Members on Team) 1000 points Total Phase 1: Discovery (200 Points) DUE THURSDAY, APRIL 21st Phase 2: Design (200 Points) DUE THURSDAY, MAY 5th (with Presentation) Phase 3: Develop (200 Points) DUE THURSDAY, MAY 19th Phase 4: Distribute (200 Points) DUE TUESDAY, MAY 31st Phase 5: Documentation (200 Points) DUE THURSDAY, JUNE 9th (Last Day of Class)
CIEs Go to http://www.cascadia.edu/ Click on Student Toolbox Scroll down to Course Evaluation Click on Course Evaluation link Enter Cascadia Username and Password Select Course to evaluate (e.g., BIT275) Do the evaluation and submit Show Instructor that you submitted (green check mark will display)
BIT276 Phase 05 & Team Presentations Team 1: XX 11:30am Team 2: XX 12:00pm Team 3: XX 12:25pm Team 4: XX 12:45pm Have your entire project ready to hand off to client on USB drive Upload final/entire/completed PHASE 05 to StudentTracker by Thursday, June 18th, by midnight. This is the drop dead time, no exceptions! Have completed PowerPoint presentation ready to go! Dress nice (no tee-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans!) Bring snacks (cookies, crackers, chips, donut holes, etc)