Reconstruction Chapter 4.4 Reconstruction is the period of time in which the U.S. attempted to rebuild the South after the Civil War Period 1865 – 1877 Problems Need to help former slaves How to bring back the southern states?
Lincoln’s Plan Before his death his plan was called the 10% Plan in which the government would pardon all Confederate officers except high ranking officials and those accused of crimes against prisoners of war
Lincoln’s Plan As soon as 10% of the former Confederates of a state would swear an oath of allegiance to the U.S. and formed a new state government, they could be part of the U.S. again. They could also send representatives to Congress
Response to Lincoln’s Plan Radical Republicans did not like Lincoln’s plan they wanted to destroy the political power of the former slave owners
President Johnson Johnson’s Plan was not much different than Lincoln’s Johnson pardoned 13,00 former confederates because he thought only “white” men should manage the South
Congress Proposes 1866 Freedmen’s Bureau enlarge Civil Rights Act of 1866 Gave African Americans citizenship Forbid states from passing discrimination laws or black codes Vetoed by Johnson Congress overruled the President 14th Amendment – citizenship for all former slaves
Johnson first President to be Impeached The House impeached but the Senate did not vote to convict Radical Republicans not happy with Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant Elected President 1838 Possible due to nine out of ten African Americans voted for Grant 15th Amendment gave former male slaves the right to vote
Society Conditions in the South Farms ruined Population depleted due to death during the war
Politics in the South Scalawags were white Southerners who joined the Republican Party. Small farmers that did not want wealthy planters to regain power Carpetbaggers were Northerners who went down South to make money African Americans largest group of Southern Republicans, voting rights
Politics continued All three groups had their own goals which led to a lack of unity in the Republican party
Former Slaves Improve their lives Form their own churches Education needed, 95% of illiterate Some held public office 16 African Americans elected to public office during Reconstruction. Hiram Revels first African American senator
Sharecropping & Tenant Farming Landowners divide their land and assign it to other people along with tools and seeds. They were allowed to keep part of the harvest the rest went to the owner
Reconstruction Collapses Klu Klux Klan (KKK) goals Destroy the Republican Party End Reconstruction Stop African Americans from achieving political power The Klan and other groups killed approximately 20,000 men, women and children
Effects of Reconstruction Enforcement Acts 1870 & 1871 called for supervising elections in the South President had the power to send in federal troops in areas where the KKK was active
End of Reconstruction Panic of 1873 lasted 5 years Attention went away from the South 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments