Coordinator’s Report Borderlands dynamics in East Africa Munzoul A. M. Assal Project Coordinator Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
Developmental goal Empowering borderland communities in Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda to voice their special concerns in policy dialogues. Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
Intended outcomes Improved gender sensitive teaching and research capacity on borderland issues of anthropology departments in three universities, Khartoum, Addis and Makerere. Strengthened regional capacity through collaboration between the three universities Strengthened link between universities and various processes of public policy formulation around borderland issues. Improved departmental infrastructure Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
Timeline 2014-2018 (five years) Project formulation was predicated on baseline information for the three departments. Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
Project clusters 1. Education (MA enrollment and exchange) 2. Research (PhD and Postdocs, district seminars, publications, plenary activities) 3. Institutional Development (Small-scale infrastructure development and strengthening departmental libraries) 4. Management (coordination and steering committee) Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
Education 28 MA students were enrolled Gender sensitive enrollment MU 10 (7 females, 3 males) AAU 10 (7 females, 3 males) UoK 8 (All females) First batch (13) completed successfully, some got jobs Second batch (15) enrolled and progressing Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
Research 7 PhDs and 2 Postdocs MU 4 (1 female, 3 males) AAU 3 (2 females, 1 male) UoK 2 Postdocs (1 female, 1 male) Candidates in this cluster are progressing, with some delays, but overall the progress is satisfactory. Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
National district seminars: planned 12, done 10 Planned publications: 58 (books, book chapters, journal articles, and policy briefs), done 22 Slow progress in the publication front All milestones were achieved (the last one being this conference) Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
Institutional Development Small-scale infrastructure at the department Strengthening departmental libraries Better teaching environment On job training on project management for finance personnel Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
Project management Project Coordinator Departmental coordinators Finance and admin Steering Committee Annual meetings with the participation of NOARD Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
Key achievements Entrenching collaboration Enrolled the planned numbers in education and research clusters. Amplified the voices of borderlands communities through national district seminars. Engaged authorities and decision-makers Influenced some policies (cross border trade) Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
Key challenges Security problems caused some delays Slow pace of publication work Some planned activities were not achieved A no cost extension is in order Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
The way forward Building on what we achieved Continuing our institutional collaboration through new projects or programs Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI
A vote of thanks Departmental Coordinators Pavla Jezkova Prof. Leif Manger OSSREA UofK Leadership Borderlands dynamics: anthropological capacity building in East African Universities, UofK/MU/AAU/UiB/OSSREA/CMI