Forest Farming/Shade Systems Forest farming is the cultivation of understory crops where shade levels are intentionally modified to enhance production levels with the use of shade systems, typically under a forest canopy.
Forest farming gives us the opportunity to grow certain plans and fungi that require shade. The main crop produced with these systems are medicinal herbs and mushrooms but of course there are several others: *Medicinal herbs: Bloodroot, Passionflower, Mayapple, Goldenseal *Mushrooms: Shiitake and Oyster Mushrooms *Moss: Log or Sheet Moss *Fruit: Elderberries, Lowbush Berries, Currants *Nuts: Hazelnuts, Black Walnuts, Beechnuts There are many more crops produced in forest farming that are used for food, industry, and medicine There are Forest Farms in Florida: *Tri-Land inc. and Forest Tower Farms inc. In Tampa FL *Little Forest Farm in Newberry FL *Winding Forest Farm in McAlpin FL
Benefits and Drawbacks ECONOMIC Some plants, such as coffee, are said to taste better when they are grown in the shade using shade systems. Using Forest farming, you can utilize land that would be barren due to the low levels of sunlight reaching the ground. Saves money on pesticides for shade grown coffee, as there is a natural barrier there to protect from insects and other vermin. ENVIRONMENTAL Forest Farming increases the amount of biodiversity, which will aid in the environment. Canopy cover offers more protection to the topsoil than topsoil in direct sunlight ECONOMIC Shade systems will cost money to create, if they are artificial. Not every plant grows well in the shade, so be weary of that. ENVIRONMENTAL It is more difficult for some plants to grow in the shade due to a lack of energy from the sunlight Plants will have much less land to grow on if they require shade, as they will need to be grown in the shadow of other organisms