Pan American Advanced Study Institutes (PASI) Computational Nanotechnology and Molecular Engineering Workshop Jan Materials and Process Simulation Center (MSC) Caltech
Where to Eat On Campus (0) Broad Café Avery House Chandler Pavillion Red Door Café Off Campus Saladangs (10-20) Gordon Birsche (15-30) Xiomaras (40-200)
Sponsors and Organizers National Science Foundation (NSF) Materials and Process Simulation Center (MSC) Beckman Institute (BI) Caltech PI: Prof. William A. Goddard III, MSC Director (Caltech) Mamadou Diallo (CIT) Mario Blanco (CIT) Sergio Aragon (SFSU) Andres Jaramillo-Botero (PUJ)
PASI Participants MEXICO Carlos Lira-Galeana * Jose Manuel Martinez-Magadan Alejandro Ortega-Rodriguez, Alexandre Tkatchenko, Ph.D Felipe Aparicio Platas, Ph.D GUATEMALA Adrian Francisco Gil * Cesar Antonio Estrada Roberto Estuardo Archila Diaz Paola Rivera Muñoz, UVG Ady Iveth Giordano COLOMBIA Andrés Jaramillo Botero * Antal Buss Molina Edgar Antonio Reyes Leonardo René Lareo Federico Sequeda SFSU Sergio Aragon * Andrew Ichimura Wanda Lew Shungo Miyabe Heather Harding * PASI Regional Director
Acknowledgements Prof. William A. Goddard III Darryl Willick and his Computer Support Staff Shirley Wu Jenny Du Beckman Institute Facilities (Rick Jackson) Caltech Transportation Many Others to mention here…
Mission Disseminate the broad impact of Nanotechnology and Molecular Engineering Disseminate theory and the conceptual framework behind computer modeling of physical systems Enable Latin American Scientists to setup, run, and analyze Problems of scientific interest in these areas Establish future collaborations