Homework: Read The Lightning Thief odd numbered chapters Objective for THE WHOLE WEEK: Read The Lightning Thief and complete annotations to show understanding Homework: Read The Lightning Thief odd numbered chapters
Chapter 8 – “We Capture a Flag” Chapter 9 – “I Am Offered a Quest” Entrance quiz: 1. Who is Percy’s father? How do you know? Percy’s father is ______. I know this because _______. 2. I think Percy is ________ (character trait-brave, kind, thoughtful, adventurous, etc.). I think this because __________(two details that support your answer). 3. Zeus thinks Percy stole the thunderbolt, but who does Chiron think actually stole the bolt? 4. Where is Percy going on his quest? 5. Who is coming with him?
Chapter 10 – “I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus” As you listen, answer the following questions on your annotations sheet: According to Grover, why did Percy’s mom marry Gabe? What is Percy’s real reason for going on the quest? Why doesn’t Percy leave the bus when he has the chance?
Chapter 12 – “We Get Advice from a Poodle” As you read, on the back of your half sheet, answer the following questions: 1. Why does Grover want a searcher’s license? 2. What new information do you learn about Grover’s past and how it relates to Annabeth? 3. Describe the place Percy sees in his dream. 4. Who do think is talking to Percy in the dream? Who is this voice from the pit? 5. If you were offered the choice in Percy’s dream – to save your own parent’s life or complete your quest and prevent a terrible war – what would you choose? **YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO CH. 12 ANNOTATIONS Homework: Read and annotate Chapter 13
Chapter 13 – “I Plunge to My Death” Entrance ticket What is Percy’s “fatal mistake” while battling the Chimera? Why does Percy decide he has no choice but to jump? What would you have done in his place? How would the battle have been different if there were no mortal spectators in the Arch?
Chapter 14 – “I Become a Known Fugitive” Listen as the chapter is read aloud. Purpose for reading: What is the role of the supernatural in this chapter? Homework: Read and annotate Chapter 15
Chapter 15 – “A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers” Entrance ticket: Why does Annabeth want to leave as soon as Luke appears in the mist? What does Ares say that convinces Percy to help him? At the end of the chapter, whom do you think Percy is angrier with – Hephaestus or Ares? Why?
Chapter 16 – “We Take a Zebra to Vegas” Listen as the chapter is read aloud. Purpose for reading: Listen for allusions (references) to myths, stories, or characters . Also record any new or challenging vocabulary on your annotation page. Complete three annotations. Remember you are NOT writing the gist, you are writing thoughts, connections, emotions, etc. Homework: Read and annotate Chapter 17