Information Overlap 95% of utilities indicated they gather valuable data from sources other than smart meters In addition to smart meters, which of the following data sources provide the most valuable information to your organization?1 According to utilities, the value certain alternative data sources is increasing. 63.6% of utilities rated Outage and Distribution Management Systems as valuable, up from 58.9% in 2012. More than half (53.6%) of utilities rated Customer Data and Feedback as valuable, up from 44.4% in 2012.* TBD TAKE AWAY 1Respondents asked to top three *The 2012 survey did not ask respondents to rate the importance of SCADA history
How are Utilities Using the Data Today? In most cases, less than half of utilities are using smart grid data to improve customer service today – even those with full smart meter rollouts How are utilities leveraging smart grid data to improve customer service today?1 While 57% provide customers with information about their usage, just 26% alert customers of usage spikes TBD TAKE AWAY 1Respondents asked to select all that apply
Percentage who gave themselves an “A” in the following measures:1 What’s Holding Utilities Back? Despite some year-over-year improvements, utilities still grapple with extracting data value. Less than a quarter feel confident in their ability to translate information into actionable intelligence or use it for strategic decision making Percentage who gave themselves an “A” in the following measures:1 TBD TAKE AWAY 1Those who gave themselves a 9 or 10 on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 was very poor and 10 was excellent