Chapter 6 Writing Memos and Electronic Communication Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Benefits of E-Mail Reduces paper waste Chapter 6 Benefits of E-Mail Reduces paper waste Conveys convenient communication Reduces telephone bills Reduces telephone tag and interruptions Eliminates time barriers Allows one message to be sent to multiple recipients Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Guidelines for Preparing Effective Memos and E-Mail Messages Chapter 6 Guidelines for Preparing Effective Memos and E-Mail Messages Use standard headings (to, from, date, subject) Limit the message to a single topic directed toward a receiver’s needs Use jargon, technical words, and shortened terms selectively Use graphic highlighting to enhance readability Provide a useful subject line Sequence ideas based on reader reaction Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Effective Subject Line Chapter 6 Elements of an Effective Subject Line Helps reader sort through a crowded mailbox Describes content in an understanding way Will be meaningful in the future Is followed with a restatement of the subject Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Netiquette Fundamentals Chapter 6 Netiquette Fundamentals Check e-mail promptly Do not contribute to e-mail overload Use e-mail for appropriate messages Send short, direct messages Do not send e-mail evoking emotion Beware of e-mail viruses and hoaxes Develop e-mail organization habits Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
E-Mail Formatting Guidelines Chapter 6 A a E-Mail Formatting Guidelines Include appropriate salutation and closing Limit message to one screen Keep line length and paragraphs short Use mixed case Use emoticons and e-mail abbreviations in moderation Include signature file Proofread message Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Process of Web Development Chapter 6 Process of Web Development Creating Designing Useful Web Pages Maintaining Publishing Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Guidelines for Developing Web Communications Chapter 6 Guidelines for Developing Web Communications Design a tightly organized home page Assure a united look and feel Use graphics effectively Understand the needs of the end user Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning