Try Your Best Author: Robert McKissack Illustrator: Joe Cepeda The author writes the stories The Illustrator draws the pictures.
Genre - Try Your Best Realistic Fiction Realistic fiction stories are about things that could really happen. Look for: Characters that seems like people you could meet. Activities that could have happened to you or someone you know.
Be be be - to have life or exist Can he be on our team?
Good good good - opposite of bad Good job,” said Mr. York.
Mr. Mr. Mr. - title used for a man Mr. Brown is our P.E. teacher.
Need need need - to want to have We need to skate fast.
Our our our - belonging to us He has our ball!
Right right right - correct You are right. This is fun.
Saw saw saw - did see I saw a joey playing ball!
Time time time an instant; hour, day, or year It is time to play ball.
Try try try - to make an attempt I will try to do my best.
Vocabulary Review Say the words. Read the sentence. Fill in the blank.
I will ________ my best. time saw try our right good be Mr. need
It is ________ to go home now. Mr. good right need our try be saw time
He just ________ a shark. time Mr. be need our try right good saw
That is not the _______ way. be need our Mr. try time saw good right
This is _______ lunch. need Mr. right our time saw try good be
Dad, you _______ to pull it in. Mr. right time saw our be try good need
_____ Mort will find a coin. right need saw our good Mr. time try be
He is a ________ hopper. need saw try good Mr. our be right time
He wants to _____ the winner! saw be try right Mr. time our need good
Match the words to its meaning. saw___ good ___ try ___ right ___ Mr. ___ time ___ our ___ need ___ be ___ to have life or exist opposite of bad title used for a man to want to have belonging to us correct did see an instant; hour, day, or year to make an attempt G B I F C H E D A
Say the Sight Words need our time white will again an any as after
New words in the story: Try Your Best climb just kick more next race rope started team very Mort Ann Jan sports
The End by AMiller