CEAFM in Coastal Communities in Fiji Iliapi Tuwai Partners in Community Development Fiji November 29, 2010 “We work with empowered communities to make informed decisions about their own Development”
Contents FLMMA PCDF’s Approach Monitoring Collaboration Lesson Learnt/Way Forward
Case study on the Approach in Fiji for Community Based Monitoring, Management and Collaborations We emphasize the importance of community participation and active involvement to create a sense of ownership among the communities. we believe this will ensure the success of conservation initiatives as it enhances the knowledge and capacity of the communities and allows them to have a better understanding of their environment
FLMMA Governance Structure Board of Trust FLMMA Executive Committee Government Fisheries Department Tourism Environment Fijian Affairs Board Non-government Organization WCS, WWF, CI, RARE, National Trust, South Pacific Program, Coral, Peace Corp, Seaweb Academic Institute USP FNU Private Sector Mamanuca Environment Society Resort Support Blue Ventures Peace Corp Provincial Level Yaubula Committees Cakaudrove YMST Lomaiviti YMST Kadavu YMST Vanua Balavu FLMMA Coordinator – Fisheries Department FLMMA Secretary Confederacy Reps Burebasaga Tovata Kubuna FLMMA Working Group Biological Socio-economic Communication Development and Management Compliance and Enforcement FLMMA Governance Structure 20 members – 4 government, 9 NGOs, 2 institutes, 4 private sectors, 4 provincial level committees
FLMMA Sites 14 province and FLMMA has covered all 12 marine province; most province have incorporated both terrestrial and marine protected areas rather than just marine. In total there are more than 200 community sites where FLMMA sis working to date 5
Example of a site – Beqa Island 7
Management Action Plan Issues, Problems, threats Root Causes Solutions: Steps, process and List of activities Who to implement: stakeholder When, Timeframe, Date to review Overfishing Use of destructive fishing method- duva, coral/live rock harvesting Ban use of Duva - More fishers- high dependence on marine resources
Collect data –community monitoring Analyze data and information Present results Socialize information 10
Ridge to Reef Approach Currently, our main project is called "community based protection of coral reefs". We are working with 5 districts in Fiji - Serua, Moturiki, Batiki and also Cicia (Lau), with a total of 25 villages. Plus 10 villages in Kubulau (Bua) with WCS and Coral Reef Alliance MPA establishment, management (committees) and monitoring (team); Sustainable land based practices including water supply, agriculture, forestry and development (coastal and inland) – leading to conservation; Livelihood alternatives
Sustainable Livelihoods – target groups Focusing on women and youth (vulnerable); Empowerment and Business skills Training; Good governance; Reviving of traditional skills and innovations; Using good practices for utilizing of coastal and land resources for income generating initiatives;
Monitoring Survey training and data collection in all areas for group of youth (committee); Data entry and analysis; Dissemination of information; Provision of report to communities and Provincial offices and Government; Follow-up visits 2-3 months; Monthly and quarterly reports;
Monitoring - Capacity Building and Empowerment Empowerment, training and workshops using ESP; Networking's with existing traditional institution; Using FIMSA, Police and Fisheries with USP as facilitators in training of communities - management; Bio-monitoring, data collection and analysis training - refresher
Collaboration With the focus on sustainable management and protection of marine resource, the project, past and present all emphasize empowerment of community members through capacity building trainings and workshops done at the community level with support from network partners
Collaboration Government – Fisheries, Environment, Police, Forestry, Agriculture, FIMSA, Fijian Affairs Board and Ministry of Provincial Development; NGO’s – WCS, Live and Learn and Coral Alliance, Pacific Blue Foundation, Green Force, FSPI, FCOSS, etc Provincial Offices – Serua, Loma i Viti, Lau, Bua Ba, Nadroga, Namosi and Cakaudrove; Village Level: TK, CF, Youth Leaders, Women Group Leaders, Elders and Church Leaders
Lesson Learnt Training to be refreshed; Data Collection and storage to be improved; Management Action Plan to be integrated; Review of MAP to be done yearly Concept of having CF and DF in all communities A strategy of phasing out to be introduce to the community;
Way Forward Capacity Building within the communities to be improved - upgraded; CDP to be review on yearly basis and upgrade them to have yearly Work Plan of Actions; To have grading system to help in the phasing out of communities (graduate); Sharing of Lesson Learnt to be improved Collaboration – way forward
Vinaka Vakalevu