Example 1: Find the magnitude and phase angle of Example 2: Find the Laplace Transform of ME 431, Lecture 2 ME 431, Lecture 2
Laplace Transform Table Impulse t Step t Ramp ME 431, Lecture 2
Laplace Transform Theorems ME 431, Lecture 2 ME 431, Lecture 2
Example 4: Find of the system Example 3: Given Find Example 4: Find of the system Given that x = u(t) and all initial conditions are zeros ME 431, Lecture 2 ME 431, Lecture 2
Example 5: Find the inverse Laplace transform of ME 431, Lecture 2 ME 431, Lecture 2
Partial-Fraction Expansion If the order of B(s) is less than the order of A(s) and pk (k = 1, 2, …n) are distinct real numbers, then we have Where ME 431, Lecture 2 ME 431, Lecture 2
A system is represented by the following differential equation: Problem A system is represented by the following differential equation: 1. Find the expression of the transfer function for the system, Y(s)/X(s). 2. Represent the transfer function as a block diagram. 3. Find the final value of output, y(∞), when x = δ(t). ME 431, Lecture 2 ME 431, Lecture 2