Electrical stimulation of nucleus raphe dorsalis changes morphine self-administration and withdrawal symptoms in rats H Alaei, A.A Pourshanazari, A Rafati Pathophysiology Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 1-5 (October 2002) DOI: 10.1016/S0928-4680(02)00050-0
Fig. 1 Effect of electrical stimulation of NRD on initiation of drug self-administration. Animals were tested during ten consecutive daily 3-h sessions. The mean number of SIs is plotted vs. the day of testing in three groups: sham, control group (morphine): which did not receive electrical stimulation and only received morphine in self-administration sessions and ES+mor group, which received both electrical stimulation before sessions and morphine in self-administration sessions. This figure shows that number of SI in active group is more than sham groups (+P<0.05) and less than morphine groups (*, P<0.05; **, P<0.01). Pathophysiology 2002 9, 1-5DOI: (10.1016/S0928-4680(02)00050-0)
Fig. 2 Effect of electrical stimulation of NRD on responding on the reinforcement lever (RL) and NRL during i.v. morphine self-administration. Animals were allowed to self-administer during ten consecutive daily 3-h sessions. The mean number of responses on RL and NRL is plotted vs. the day of testing in control group (morphine): which did not receive electrical stimulation and only received morphine in self-administration sessions and ES+mor group which received electrical stimulation before sessions and morphine in self-administration sessions (*, P<0.05). Pathophysiology 2002 9, 1-5DOI: (10.1016/S0928-4680(02)00050-0)