Welcome Ms. Mandigo Class
Assesment You will be offered choices for assessment. You will be evaluated in the form of verbal feedback, rubrics and point systems . These evaluations will be based on different competencies required to complete the assessment or task. Examples: Critical thinking Problem solving Team work analyzing
Math Every term your mark is broken down as follows: 20% Homework/Classwork 20% Quizzes 40% Tests 20% Term exam In terms 2 and 3 there will also be Situational problems. Terms 1 and 2 count for 20% each and term 3 counts for 60%.
General information Class website: www.msmandigo.pbworks.com Email: Lindsay.mandigo@rsb.qc.ca Classroom and office: C207 and B117 Extra Help Hours:
Math Help Services Every student will be granted access to Math Help Services. They will have a username and password. This forum will be replacing the workbook. Homework will be assigned online. All work is to be done in their exercise book. But the final answers will be submitted online. There will still be stencils and exercise sheets printed for classwork.
Materials Pencils/ erasers Highlighters Dry erase markers Calculator Geometry set Graph paper Loose-leaf 4 copy books Binder