What do animals & plants compete for? Starter: (back of book) Why does a polar bear have a smaller surface area to volume ratio than a camel? What is mimicry? Name 3 ways in which cacti are adapted for the arid environment in which they grow Competition CWK 20/04/201920/04/2019 LO: What is competition? What do animals & plants compete for?
Competition in animals What is competition? What do animals and plants compete for? What is the difference between interspecific and intraspecific competition? Why can animals which rely on a single type of food be killed off so easily?
What is competition? Write a definition on your post-it and stick it on the large whiteboard Try and write as detailed definition as possible!
Why do animals and plants compete? Competition: Animals and plants have to compete for limited resources. The best adapted animals or plants will win and survive.
What are the animals competing for in each picture? Quite a lot of dryish grass for the zebra but the wilderbeast are keeping their beads down Competing for water Space-prob helps tp keep close and keep warm but each bird needs their own peronsal space or territory Mating ops- elecphant seals congregate in harems wqhere only dominat males can mate with the females on the beach What happens if they lose? Move area, Adopt new strategies, Extinct/die
Competition Adaptations will also allow organisms to compete with other organisms for the same habitats and resources Only those that compete successfully will be able to survive 2 types of competition Interspecific-Between individuals of different species Intraspecific-Between individuals of the same species (only the best genes are passed on to the next generation)
Herbivores that eat a wide range of plants are likely to be more successful than picky eaters-why? If anything happens to their food source, they will just eat something else for a while
Clip 2: How does the mimic octopus avoid predators? Clip 1: Predators & prey Resource How are the predators and prey competing? What adaptations do they have to help them? Clip 2: How does the mimic octopus avoid predators? Clip 3: How does (James G!) the bird attract mates?
Mates Food Predators http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0E6geAq1k 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygh1-ul6E94 Mates http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPbWJPsBP dA
Clip 1: Resource How are the predators and prey competing? What adaptations do they have to help them? Food Wolf-to get food Caribou-competing not to get eaten Run fast, good sense of smell, sharp teeth, good sight and hearing, Long legs to run fast, eyes on side of head to see predators
Clip 2: Avoiding predators The mimic octopus makes itself look like more dangerous animals to stop itself from being attacked and eaten. Clip 3: Attracting mates Sings. Males with the most complicated songs will attract more females Builds a bower and collects brightly coloured objects to decorate it. Females mate with males that have the most decorated bower.
How do animals and plants compete? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02x5xjJjvu4&feature=related
What do plants compete for? Plants shed seeds far away so the parent plant is not in competition with its offspring To keep tissues rigid and supported and for photosynthesis So plants can make all the chemicals they need in their cells For photosynthesis. Making food using the energy from the sun Water Light Minerals & nutrients from the soil Space Write the subtitle in your book and match the words to the definitions. Write in full!
What are these plants competing for? B A C Write a sentence for each plant in your book
Why do snowdrops bloom so early? Found in woodlands with lots of tall trees When these trees have leaves, they block out much of the light Small plants e.g. snowdrop, bluebell flower early in the year when trees still have no leaves The dormant trees take very little water out of the soil so lots available for small plants The plants flower, set seeds and die before the trees are in full leaf
Write a subtitle: Early flowering plants in your book & underline with ruler Copy and complete the paragraph below: Some woodland flowers e.g. ………………. and …………….. compete for water and …………. successfully. They flower early in the year whilst there are no ………… on the trees in order to get enough light for ………………… The dormant trees take very little ……….. from the soil so they compete for this successfully too.
Watch the 2 David Attenborough clips Copy the table into your book and fill it in Name of plant What it is competing for How it competes successfully Clip 1: Clip 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igkjcuw_n_U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trWzDlRvv1M&NR=1