By Danny Richards Connor Allen, Lewis Gaskell and Rebekah Dyson 1948 to 1990’s By Danny Richards Connor Allen, Lewis Gaskell and Rebekah Dyson
Transport in 1948 to 1959 The family car that ordinary people could afford had been planned in the thirties but was never made because of the war. By the fifties the age of the mass motoring had arrived at last. Family cars were made small and millions became car owners.
Popular music in 1960 to 1969 There were lots of new bands including rock. The Beetles also arrived on the scene as a major influence on music.
Fashion in 1970 to 1979 There were mini skirts Teddy boy and Punk
Computers in 1980 to 1989 Packman came out in the 80’s.There was a new game out which was called Pit Strike. Computers were large and cost a lot of money.
Technology in 1989 to 1999 More and more houses were built and Game Boy’s were built the new game machine. Mobile phones where beginning to make an impact on communication across the world.