<Name of School District> School Food & Nutrition Departments Nutrition Education & Wellness
Support Learning & Achievement Objectives Support Learning & Achievement Promote our School Nutrition Program and Increase Participation Communicate & Educate Students, Teachers & Parents about the benefits of making Healthy Choices Effectively Implement and Support the District’s Wellness Program
Use our Website for Effective Nutrition & Fitness Education and 21st Century Communication Parents will Love it! Students will Learn from it! Teachers will Thank Us for it! And School Boards Demand it!
School Food Service in the Spot Light …Expectations are High Federally Mandated Regulations School Board, PTA and Parent Activists Pressure to Create Healthy School Nutrition Environment Address Childhood Obesity Teach Nutrition to help Prevent Diet-related Chronic Disease Develop AND Implement a Wellness Policy
A couple of key Wellness Policy Concepts Schools will provide nutrition education and physical education to foster lifelong habits of healthy eating and physical activity… The school district will engage students, parents, teachers, food service professionals, and the community in nutrition and physical activity education and policies. All students in grades K-12 will have opportunities, support, and encouragement to learn about the benefits of nutrition & being physically active on a regular basis.
Food and Nutrition Department is part of the Education System Research shows that Students who are Well-Nourished & Physically Fit… Are better prepared to learn and achieve in school Have better concentration, attention and behavior in school Have more cognitive energy Do better on tests Math, Reading and Writing Miss fewer days of school Are less susceptible to colds, flu and other illnesses
Nutrition & Fitness Facts Research shows that … Over the past three decades… the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for preschool children aged 2-5 years & adolescents between 12-19 years old... It has more than tripled for children between the ages of 6-11 years old. 1 in 3 children born in 2000, and half of all children of color, are expected to develop type 2 diabetes during their lifetime.
Nutrition & Fitness Facts Research shows that… American children obtain 50% of their calories from added fat and sugar 1% eat diets that resemble the Food Guide Pyramid 25% of what Adolescents eat is considered junk food Only 2% of Teenagers met five key diet and physical activity recommendations
Overfed But Undernourished Critical Age % Children Consuming Daily Recommended Intake Iron Phosphorus Zinc Vitamin C Vitamin A Magnesium Folate Calcium
CHILDREN MUST BE HEALTHY TO LEARN … …but they (their parents & their Teachers) need to LEARN TO BE HEALTHY
What are we doing about it? Taking advantage 21st Century communication tools & the power of the internet, right from the district website Sharing best practices from National, State, School Districts and Industry resources on Child Nutrition Providing focused Nutrition Education For Students – The way they like it! For Teachers – Easy & simple to use! For Parents – Healthy tips & resources Actively promoting and Implementing our District Wellness Policy
Promote Nutrition & Fitness in our School District Improve Academic Performance Good Nutrition leads to Great Academic Performance Communicate Wellness Kids who are physically fit sleep better, are more attentive in class and perform better on tests. Increase Participation We make nutrition is Cool Again!
Nutrition Education Student Interaction Teacher Resource Center directly linked from our District and Schools websites Student Interaction Nutrition Games, Videos, Comics and Nutrition Calculators Teacher Resource Center Classroom Resources, Pre-made Lesson Plans by Grade Level, Power Points & Interactive USDA Lessons Internet Parent Partnership Parents can actively participate in their child’s nutrition program at school
Tour of the <Insert Name of School District> Nutrition Program <Insert Link to the District Website> (Then link to Nutrition Department website or if presenting for approval, link to an existing School District using SchoolNutritionAndFitness.com)