Scientific Method Notes
Science From Latin, “scire: to know” Science used to apply to any endeavor that required knowledge or skill
1. Identify a problem and gather information
Observations vs. Inferences
2. Form a hypothesis
Must have a predictable outcome! The hypothesis… Must be testable! Must have a predictable outcome!
3. Test the hypothesis + =
Elements of the test Independent variable Dependent variable Control(s)
4. Record and analyze data Table Temp Productivity 55 0.89 60 0.90 65 0.95 70 1.00 75 0.98 80 0.96 85 0.93 90 0.90 95 0.83
Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat,
Example 1: Tomato plants Example 2: Basil vs. Caterpillars
Class examples….