The most difficult part of learning a foreign language according to most experts in the field, and I would have to agree, is speaking. To that end, I have.


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Presentation transcript:

The most difficult part of learning a foreign language according to most experts in the field, and I would have to agree, is speaking. To that end, I have developed a strategy that focuses on oral communication, but incorporates many other facets of language learning as well. INTENT

NEED The skill I most want my students to develop, is the ability tothink on the fly, to say it another way, and to be free of the fear of making a mistake. By creating an environment that reduces students anxiety about speaking, I anticipate students will be more willing and able to produce language by scaffolding what they know to test new language that they are not as comfortable with.

Research Computer-mediated communication or CMC has shown promise in reducing FL anxiety and communication apprehension by providing an entirely different modality of interaction that seems to lower inhibition (Arnold, 2007). Once this apprehension sets in, students overall output in the foreign language is reduced and this in turn [might] negatively affect their progress in FL learning (Arnold, 2007)

Research continued Of all the language skills, oral skills have the most diverse range of CALL [computer-assisted language learning] technologies and approaches available. Obvious forms of voice communication include voice chat, audio blogs, podcasts, audio/video conferencing or Skype. They also include text chat. Although text chat has value for writing... it is also employed to enhance oral production (Levy, 2009)

Research continued I would like to incorporate forms of synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous (delayed-time) communication in the classroom. Both forms of computer-mediated communication (Arnold, 2007) or CMC have been shown to create a low stress, low anxiety setting, which enables all learners to be a part of the discussion.

Plan of Action Each unit in our textbook Deutsch Aktuelle ends with a chapter from a DVD Program called Treffpunkt Berlin (Café Julia).Treffpunkt Berlin Café Julia is a soap opera style, authentic story of a group of teenagers in Berlin. Each chapter in Café Julia contains new vocabulary and grammar that coordinates with the current unit/chapter. Café Julia maintains a continuous story line that weaves throughout the various episodes. My plan is, instead of end the unit with Café Julia, why not begin the unit with it?

Strategy Teacher uses Wiki to post weekly assignments on classroom Café Biene Wiki assignment page. This would be updated on a weekly basis. Assignment includes: outline of new grammar structures list of new vocabulary (without definitions) review previous chapters grammatical structures anticipation guide (with each new unit) character development strategy summary of project due for end of unit time table for work, etc. and rubric

Day One Day 1: Multi-media classroom Students view Café Julia in media classroom without German subtitles Work independently on anticipation guide online Review vocabulary; visit CRAFT Picture Dictionary for compilation of vocabulary words.CRAFT Picture Dictionary Homework: Begin working on character development for role play. Vocabulary Literary Graffiti assignment. Using Shockwave Player.Literary Graffiti

Day Two Day 2: Multi-media classroom Students view Café Julia again in media classroom, this time with German subtitles. Text chat with one another about what they wrote on anticipation guide. Whats coming next? Thoughts about characters? Questions about vocabulary or setting. Homework: blog about your text chat discussion that took place in class on your Wiki page. Finish character development for role play.

Day Three Day 3: Multi-media classroom Teacher reviews new grammar and vocabulary using Smartboard technology. Students present Bild Wörter using Smartboard and speaking auf Deutsch. Teacher assigns partners. Partners review sample interview questions with partners via text chat. Homework: Blog about class today. Post to Wiki page. Comment on one other blog from this week. Language structure worksheet.

Day Four Day 4: Regular classroom Students finish presentation of Bild Wörter using Smartboard technology Students play Das ist ein Koffer; das ist eine Tasche (Adapted from This is an Apple) (Kist, 2010). New sentence structure work using interactive Smartboard. Students create Random Phrase Poem (Kist, 2010) using new sentence structure. Students interview each other (face-to-face chat) about role- play character.

Day Five Day 5: regular classroom vocabulary/grammar quiz Impromptu class drama. Teacher chooses random characters to interact (Café Biene). Students rehearse for 5 minutes. 5 minute presentation. Must include introduction of each others character. Opportunity for speaking off the top of their head. Homework: blog about todays activities. Post to Wiki.

Project Project due at end of unit: Teacher divides class into 3 small groups. Each group writes script: post on Wiki Students review each others scripts/comment on Blog Students perform drama before each new unit/chapter of Café Julia. Drama MUST include new vocabulary/new grammar. All postings MUST include new vocabulary/grammar. Links to definitions of new vocabulary (either definition or picture).