Irish Presidency Proposal A Framework for implementing the Evaluation of EPAN & the Report of the Task Force on Enlargement Irish Presidency Proposal
Recommendations of the EPAN Evaluation & the Report of the TFE EPAN Evaluation TFE Report 1. Organisation of the Network 1. Objectives & Structures 2. Meetings of Ministers 2. Organisational structures 3. Meetings of DGs 3. Working procedures 4. Presidencies 4. Working language/ translation 5. Secretariate & WGs 5. Costs 6. Enlargement 7. Reporting & Communication 8. Implementation and Follow Up
Irish Presidency Proposal A considerable number of recommendations of the Evaluation of EPAN report have been implemented already during the Greek and Italian Presidencies. In view of the overlap in the work issues addressed in both the Evaluation of EPAN and the Report of the Task Force on Enlargement, the Irish Presidency proposes to amalgamate the recommendations of both reports into a framework which will allow them to be successfully implemented over time
Irish Presidency Proposal (Contd.) Two levels DG and Network level Working Group level
Process of Consultation A process of consultation with the DGs of the 15 Member States and the 10 Accession countries will be undertaken before the proposals can be put into effect The main element will involve circulation of the framework to the 15 Member States and the 10 Accession countries It will involve a Forum of Discussion with the DGs of the Troika and the 10 Accession Countires
Recommendations Short Term – those recommendateions which will lead to an immediate improvement to the operation of the Network once all MSs including the new Accession States agree to their introduction. These can be implemented during the Irish Presidency Medium Term – those recommendations which will lead to an improvement to the operation of the Network and whose implementation will take place following discussion at the DG meeting in May and which will begin to be implemented during the Dutch Presidency Long Term – those recommendations which will need further consideration and may take longer to implement before leading to an improvement to the operation of the Network. These can be addressed at the DGs meeting in November-December 2004 and and implemented during the Luxembourg or UK Presidencies.
Timetable 20 February 04 complete draft of framework for circulation to DG Troika for approval of proposal and timetable 27 February 04 circulation of proposal and timetable to Member States and new Member States for comments 19 March 04 forum for discussion with DG Troika and 10 Accession States to discuss proposal and MTP 19 March 04 deadline for completion of comments 8 April 04 draft report and circulate for comments to 25 states 22 April 04 deadline for comments and finalise report 27-28 May 2004 presentation of report (Directors General meeting) Nov/Dec 2004 (Directors General meeting) presentation of the any additional report and findings
Directors General Meeting 27th – 28th May, 2004 Issues for consideration by the Directors General at their meeting in Dublin Castle on 27th – 28th May, 2004 Directors General meeting in November/December 2004 in the Netherlands