Time Line for TLSI Fall 2017 September 3 Student complete survey information and take survey Establish personal pass code September 5-8 Confirm respondents’ participation September 9-10 Communicate URL and pass code to respondents September 11-15 Respondents complete on-line TLSi survey September 18-21 TLSi reports are prepared September 21-22 TLSi reports emailed to Cohort Mentors September 22 TLSi reports emailed to students Note: If Cohorts mentors have a compelling reason that the cohort needs to meet prior to September 23rd they have the responsibility to check with Dr. Larick (Larick@Brandman.edu) to see if it is possible. In these cases it is suggested that students identify participants prior to immersion and no later than September 5th to have enough time for respondents to complete the survey. It is the cohort mentors responsibility to communicate with students regarding these timelines.