THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE AND ITS PRIORITY PROGRAMMES Minister Lulu Xingwana Joint meeting of the Multi-party Women’s Caucus 22 April 2013
BACKGROUND South Africa presented its combined second, third and fourth periodic reports on the implementation of CEDAW at its 967th and 968th sessions, on 21 January 2011 In considering the report, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (the Committee) noted the existence of a number of policies, legislative interventions, including Victim Empowerment and other measures to combat violence against women and girls in the country, and the multi-sectoral approach at operational level 4/23/2019
BACKGROUND However it expressed serious concerns with regards to the following: that there existed high prevalence of sexual violence against women and girls and widespread domestic violence; that such violence appears to be socially normalised, legitimised and accompanied by a culture of silence and impunity, that such violence was at the low levels of prosecutions and convictions; that the social support services, including shelters, are inadequate due to in-adequate budgetary allocations; that there was persistent patriarchal attitudes and deep-rooted stereotypes concerning women’s roles and responsibilities that discriminate against women and which continue to perpetuate their subordination within the family and society, and 4/23/2019
BACKGROUND CONT.. That there was persistent entrenched harmful cultural norms and practices, including abduction, forced and early marriages of girls and the killing of witches. The Committee called upon South Africa to review its multi-sectoral Action Plan to combat violence against women and expeditiously adopt comprehensive measures to better address such violence, in accordance with the Committee’s general recommendation No. 19 on gender violence On 5 December 2011, Cabinet then approved the establishment of the National Council Against Gender Based Violence 4/23/2019
The Establishment of the National Council On Gender-Based Violence Council members were nominated through public invitation in the print media, and various organisations were invited to nominate members The establishment of the Council is a direct response to the issues raised at CEDAW following our country report in 2011 The Council was inaugurated by the Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Kgalema Motlanthe on the 10th of December, 2012 4/23/2019
STRUCTURE OF COUNCIL The Plenary will be the highest decision making body of the National Council, chaired by the Deputy President The Role of the Secretariat is to execute and coordinate the work of the National Council on Gender-Based Violence The DWCPD is the lead Department in spearheading the fight against Gender-Based Violence and we have identified programmes for implementation by the Council in line with the 365 National Action Plan 4/23/2019
THE ROLE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COUNCIL The role of the council is to elevate the multi-sectoral intervention approach, to a strategic level and monitor the implementation of all programmes dealing with gender-based violence in the country, including the 365 days action plan The National Council will advise the Ministry and or Deputy President and Deputy Chairperson of the Council, in fulfilling their leadership responsibilities relating to the national response against GBV THE OBJECTIVES OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL: To provide strategic guidance and political leadership to address gender-based violence in South Africa To strengthen coherence of strategies to address gender-based violence To bring together a multi-sectoral approach to address gender-based violence in South Africa To monitor and evaluate the execution of all gender-based violence interventions in the country To mobilise resources for the optimal achievement of the mandate of the National Council 4/23/2019
365 DAYS ACTION PLAN PROGRAMMES 365 DAYS ACTION PLAN Communication Coodination And Prevention Information Research And Support Response Policy M&E REVIEW AND MONITOR REPORT TO PLENARY 4/23/2019
PRIORITY GBV PILLARS COMMUNICATION AND COORDINATION PILLAR The National Communication Strategy is being developed which is aimed at changing behaviours Consultations with relevant stakeholders to strengthen provincial, national and international partnerships and alliances Facilitate and coordinate all stakeholders for partnership around national events, interventions and mobilisation for indicated action Strengthen and facilitate interdepartmental collaboration on the work of the Council Consultation and mobilisation of resources Work with relevant stakeholders to review and distribute service directories on GBV Organise road-shows on GBV PREVENTION PILLAR A Draft National Advocacy Strategy on the Prevention and Management of GBV Conduct education and awareness programmes Organise inter generational dialogues Organise and coordinate inter-sectoral seminars, workshops and conferences Popularise the Victim Support Programmes, policies and legislation Strengthen campaigns against alcohol, substance abuse, satanism, muti killings, witch killings, etc 4/23/2019
PRIORITY GBV PILLARS cont’d RESEARCH AND INFORMATION PILLAR Audit research conducted on GBV Mapping of hot spot areas and NGOs operating in these areas Research the efficacy of interventions for offenders and victims in order to make recommendations on up- scaling and strengthening them SUPPORT PILLAR Conduct an audit of safe house programmes Facilitate the enhancement and promotion of individual/family based support services and access to multi-sectoral services Monitor the implementation of victim empowerment initiatives Strengthen accountability of public and private sector entities through effective monitoring Address the discrepancies between rural and urban areas 4/23/2019
PRIORITY GBV PILLARS cont’d RESPONSE PILLAR Monitor and Evaluate the response of the public and private institutions. Facilitate the roll out of Green/white Doors to other provinces Strengthen the Multi-sectoral Rapid response programme to facilitate access to services immediately MONITORING AND EVAULATION & POLICY PILLAR Facilitate the popularization of legislation dealing with violence against women and children Facilitate the review of legislation and policies dealing with GBV in particular the Domestic Violence Act and the Parole laws Make policy recommendations 4/23/2019
THANK YOU 4/23/2019