VACS Mental Health WG Joseph L. Goulet, PhD, MS Director Members: Stephen Crystal, Nancy Day, David Fiellin, Adam Gordon, Joseph Goulet, Kevin Kraemer, Stephen Maisto
Recent VACS Mental Health WG Highlights (2015-2016) Works in Progress Langhorne et al., Associated risk factors of suicidality among HIV-infected veterans Goulet et al., Is mental illness a factor in engagement and retention in the HIV care continuum? Gupta et al., Associations between HIV Infection, Depression, CVD Death, and Overall Mortality in U.S. Veterans Stewart et al., Depression as a Moderator of Prospective Associations Between Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Incident Acute Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure Consortium Collaborations NA-ACCORD Mental Health WG IeDEA Mental Health WG