The PLATO Computer System and Cheating at Multiplayer Online Games Bruce Maggs
Your professor is a notorious cheater A small confession… Your professor is a notorious cheater
PLATO Computer System PLATO IV Developed by the University of Illinois and the Control Data Corporation 1961 timesharing PLATO II begins 1964 invention of plasma panel 1968 PLATO IV begins Spun off as “NovaNET” late 1980’s Revived at
Innovations first LARGE on-line community invention of the plasma panel multimedia “personal notes” – email “group notes” – newsgroups “consulting mode” – desktop sharing widely used “term talk” (like Unix talk) Shared memory enabled multiplayer games IBM correctly attributes Lotus Notes to PLATO
Foreign Languages Building, University of Illinois
Hardware Control Data mainframes designed by Seymour Cray Cyber 70, 176, CDC 6600, 7600 Magnetic core memory 60-bit words, 6-bit characters One’s-complement arithmetic Up to 1000 simultaneous users (NovaNET originally ran on Alpha processor)
Login Screen
CDC 6600 $6,891,300 131K words four arms: CPU memory peripheral processors “small” disks (previously 1m)
Operator’s Console
PLATO IV terminal 512 x 512 pixel plasma (neon gas) panel screen is a write-only memory Bitzer, Slottow, Willson, won emmy for invention of plasma panel (2002) 1200-baud connection built-in touch panel built-in rearview slide projector external audio device (large read-write floppy disks)
PLATO IV Terminal From
Terminal Commands Load customizable character set Display text at coordinate Draw a line between a and b Implemented in hardware
File System Global namespace (no directories!) 8-character file names (no extensions) File types Tutor programs Datasets Namesets Notesfiles Groups
TUTOR Programming Language All “lessons” written in TUTOR Interpreted Program size limited by memory constraints Apparently not designed by computer scientists (FORTRAN and assembly code available to system programmers)
Early Tutor 150 variables Could assign names to these variables n1, …, n150 (integers) or v1, …, v150 (floating point) Could assign names to these variables “jump” between “units” (like C functions) “do loop” (like C for loop) “conditional branch” (a.k.a. goto)
Later TUTOR Improvements “do” (call a function) - stack depth 10 return values recursion local variables if, else while, repeat until
Users and Groups
On-line Community
Privileges Student Mode Author mode Super users Can only run programs Can run programs, edit files Super users Members of groups s, p, o, e
Author Mode
Foreground vs. Background Modes Foreground mode limited to 10 TIPS (Thousand Instructions Per Second) Background mode: no guarantees, but also no limits on CPU share; don’t try during the day Disk access rate above 10 DAPM (Disk Accesses Per Minute) frowned upon
Concurrency Primitives No mutexes, semaphores, etc. Undocumented feature: time slice will not be interrupted in straight-line (i.e., no backwards branches) calc code loop . if mutex = 0 . . mutex 1 outloop . endif endloop
The branch q purge branch q branched to end of straight-line code (or something like that) System was taken down All TUTOR files were scanned branch q replaced by branch to explicit label
Pressing the STOP key aborts output stream to the terminal. I pressed NEXT, then quickly pressed STOP several times, which allowed me to trace Rick Blomme’s record, and beat it!
Common Memory Upto 8000 words shared by all users of a lesson Persistent, backed by disk Could load up to 1500 words into core storage (memory) at any time, nc1, …, nc1500 or vc1, …, vc1500 Provided communication between multiple users of a program, e.g., between players in a game
Multiplayer Games Dungeons and Dragons Space Combat orthanc, avatar empire, spasim Combat dogfight, panther, airfight
Empire Basics I am shrike , a proud Klingon / Kazari Becoming a member of the Federation, a Vulcan/Orion, or a Romulan is equivalent to turning in your private key The goal is to conquer the universe Ship fires phasers, photon torpedos Firing at correct angle inflicts more damage. To fire phasers at angle 233, type “f 233 NEXT” Ship makes a hyperjump when you replot the screen, based on time since last replot
The Clone Brothers I built a device that you plugged a keyboard into, and then it plugged into two separate PLATO IV terminals Small circuit waited for both terminals to acknowledge keystroke before telling keyboard Why? Fly two ships to same location in empire, then have double the firepower! Nicknamed the “Clone Brothers” device migrated to different clusters of PLATO terminals around campus at U of I
PLATO V Terminal Plasma panel and CRT versions Same 512 x 512 display 8080 processor implemented all graphics
PLATO V Terminal From
Empire Bot 8080 had access to stream of commands sent to terminal from mainframe I wrote assembly code to determine angles to enemies on the screen (using an arctan look-up table) Program displayed exact angle above each enemy, with keyboard shortcuts to fire phasers or torpedos at that angle Also displayed a growing ellipse around ship to indicate distance of hyperjump Possibly the first shooter-game bot - 1979? (“shoot’ em up” or “arcade shooter” genre)
Avatar Basics Players join different guilds, e.g., fighter, magician, cleric, and gain different capabilities Players form groups and enter the dungeon together to fight monsters and gather treasures At one time possibly most popular multi-player on-line game in the world Co-authored with David Sides and Andrew Shapira, with help from many others My current character is dead on level one
Duplicating Magical Items Strategy: give all of your magical items and gold to a friend, the crash the game before the changes to your character are recorded to disk! Negative: “unfair” and throws the game economy out of whack Positive: we quickly find out about serious bugs
Best Consulting Gig Ever I am hired by Jagex, maker of Runescape to document that third-party bots really work My character is exempted from being banned for using bots My kids complain that I am a cheater
How do the bots work? Runescape is a Java applet Bot maker provides Java applet container Bot does not scrape the screen, but instead examines the bytecode Bot determines position on screen of character, objects, etc.
Anti-Bot Measures Code is rearranged in different instances of applet Ultimately, all data stored in one master array, permuted in random order, killing bots! Many players quit when bots were defeated
Wallhacks How do these hacks work? Game client has complete model of the world containing shapes and textures of objects, but asks the 3D graphics card to render it only from a particular first-person point of view. Changing textures, e.g., can make them transparent.