Online Safety: Rights and Responsibilities Lesson 4 Grade 5 Online Personal Safety Unit E-Rate: Appropriate Online Behavior
Lesson 4 Overview In this lesson, you will learn about your rights and responsibilities to protect your privacy and personal safety.
Join the Nation! Hello! I am Violet, and this is my buddy Coy. By 5th grade, you may already belong to at least one online community.
Join the Nation! In this lesson, we are going to explore some examples of online communities. You will be able to choose a site or service that is the right fit for someone your age.
Join the Nation! As a member of an online community, you have a right to privacy and personal safety. You also have a responsibility to follow the rules that protect your privacy and personal safety.
Join the Nation! When you first sign up for an online account, websites and apps will ask for some information.
What do you already know about sharing your information online? Let’s Review What do you already know about sharing your information online?
What does public mean?
Give examples of public places and public information. available for other people to see, to visit, and to use. Give examples of public places and public information.
Share examples of private information. information that identifies you. Share examples of private information.
What type of information should you keep private What type of information should you keep private? Give examples of private places and private information.
Private information in a public place…
What could happen to Violet’s private information? Identify and describe the risks.
What type of information can you safely share online?
personal information: reveals how you feel, what you are thinking, and what you enjoy. Share examples of personal information.
You must take care not to share too much information online.
What is the difference between personal and private information What is the difference between personal and private information? Explain your answer.
Online Information Personal Information Private Information feelings opinions hobbies (what you do for fun) favorite things (books, movies, music, sports) *Be careful not reveal your offline identity. first and last name birthday address, city, or street name phone number e-mail address school name workplace or parent/guardian
Protecting Your Information and Identity Online Safety Protecting Your Information and Identity
Common Mistake One common mistake that some people make is to sign up for an online account without knowing what the website or mobile app will do with their information.
Mobile apps are easy to download…but when you sign up for an account, where does your information go? That’s a good question!
How do you know what a website or mobile app will do with your information?
Every website, mobile app, or other online service must have one. Privacy Policy Every website, mobile app, or other online service must have one.
What is a Privacy Policy?
A privacy policy … explains the types of information that a company or online service collects from people who use their website or service describes how the company or online service will use the information
Privacy Policy You and your parents have a right to know how a website, app, or online service will collect, share and use your information.
Privacy Policy You and your parents also have a responsibility to know how a website, app, or online service will collect, share and use your information.
I Agree Have you seen this before? I have read the Privacy Policy and agree to the Terms of Use.
What are the Terms of Use?
Terms of Use: rules that a person must agree to follow in order to use a website, mobile app, or online service.
What rules do you agree to follow when you sign up for an account online?
Terms of Use These rules are from an actual social networking site. You must be at least 13 years old to use the service. You may not post suggestive photos or hateful comments. You are responsible for any activity that occurs on your account. You agree that you will not pretend to be someone else.
Terms of Use You have a responsibility to follow the guidelines and rules that are in the Terms of Use.
Terms of Use Why is this age limit in place? You must be at least 13 years old to use the Service. This age limit is in place because of COPPA laws.
What is COPPA? Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act COPPA is a set of laws that gives parents control over their child’s privacy online. Websites, apps, and other online services must follow these rules. COPPA keeps companies from collecting and sharing information of children under age 13 without parent permission. Many websites, apps and services share this information with advertisers.
Online Information Protection What types of information does COPPA protect? Companies are not allowed to collect these types of information from people under the age of 13 without parent permission. full name address (including street name, city or town) e-mail address screen name (for a social networking site or chat room) phone number Social Security number device number IP address photos, videos and audio recordings of you location (GPS)
Permission You have a responsibility to get permission from your parent or guardian before signing up for an online account.
Guidance You have a responsibility to ask a trustworthy adult to guide you and help you make good choices online.
Activity 2 Think About It
Think About It Write your answers in the space provided. Discuss your answers in small groups. Share your answers with the class.
Think About It What is the minimum age to sign up for this social media account? How do you know? Sign Up Username _________________ Password __________________ E-mail _____________________ Phone Number (optional) I have read the Terms of Use and agree to the Privacy Policy.
You must be at least 13 years old to use the service. Think About It Why is this age limit in place? I have read the Terms of Use and agree to the Privacy Policy. Terms of Use You must be at least 13 years old to use the service.
You must be at least 13 years old to use the service. Think About It What can you guess about the other members of this online community? How does this relate to your personal safety? I have read the Terms of Use and agree to the Privacy Policy. Terms of Use You must be at least 13 years old to use the service.
Think About It ? Who is responsible for protecting your privacy and safety online? Explain your answer.
Let’s Practice Use what you have learned. Choose a site that is safe and appropriate for a person under age 13.
How can you determine if an online community is the right fit for a person your age?
Examine the online registration forms.
Online Registration Forms Example 1 What type of information does a person need to enter into this form in order to create an account? Why do you think that this online service asks for the e-mail address of a parent? What types of personal information does this online service request from the child?
Online Registration Forms Example 2: What type of information does a person need to enter into this form in order to create an account? Why do you think that this form asks for a date of birth?
Online Registration Forms Example 1 Example 2
Examine the online profiles.
Online Profiles Example 1 What will other members of this online community be able to find out about you?
Online Profiles Example 2 What will other members of this online community be able to find out about you?
Online Profiles Example 1 Example 2
Compare Examples Closely examine the registration forms and profiles for each online community. Choose the example that is the best fit for a person under age 13.
Example 1 Example 1 Example 2
Example 2 Example 1 Example 2
Make a Choice Which example is appropriate for your age (under 13)? Why? What will each online service do with your personal information? How do you know? What role does your parent or guardian have in protecting your privacy and personal safety?
Scenario Learning: Personal Safety and Responsibility Activity 3 Scenario Learning: Personal Safety and Responsibility
Read the Scenario All of Julia’s friends from school are on PhotoGram. She desperately wants an account, but her parents have told her to wait until her thirteenth birthday. To Julia, three years seems like a long time to wait. One afternoon, Julia downloads the app and signs up for an account. She enters her e-mail address and a false birthday to get around the age limit. Once her account is created, she chooses the screen name @julia_jewels. Then, Julia enters her first and last name on her profile page. Next, she uploads a profile picture of herself. Finally, she writes a short description in her bio, “I love riding horses and reading books. Sawson Elementary School is the best!”
Activity 3: Answer the Questions What unsafe choices did Julia make? Why is this choice unsafe? What could happen? What choices should Julia have made instead? Support your answer.
Activity 4: Join the Nation! Create a Safe Online Profile
Join the Nation! Online communities that are designed for adults may collect and share private information about you to people that you do not know. They may even share information about you with advertising companies
Join the Nation! Online communities that have age limits are full of people that are much older than us, Coy. [Coy’s Text] Some of these people may post photos or comments that are not appropriate for our age.
Join the Nation! I want to be safe and have fun! [Coy text] I agree, Coy. I would much rather visit a place where I can socialize with people my own age.
Join the Nation! Create an online profile that is safe and secure for people under age 13.
Check it Out! How can you tell if a site or service is not the best fit for a person under age 13?
Check it Out! Does the sign up form ask for your private information? Do the Terms of Use state an age limit? Will the site or service collect and share your information with advertising companies? Does the online profile share your offline identity? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this site or service is best suited for someone over age 13.
Smart Choice Checklist Use this checklist to choose a site or service that is the best fit for someone your age.
Smart Choice Checklist The sign up form asks for my parents’ information. The site or service does not ask for my private information. The site or service notifies my parents when people online send me new friend requests or messages. The site or service has safe chat features or site moderators. The site or service does not share my information with advertising companies. The online profile does not share private information.
Let’s talk about your own experience. Class Chat Let’s talk about your own experience.
Class Chat Which online communities do you belong to? How do you sign up for these sites or apps? Does anyone help you sign up for your accounts? If so, who? With whom do you communicate in these “digital places?” How much information do you share online? What types of information? Does the site or app that you use have an age limit?
Wrap it Up! Explain your rights to privacy and safety online. Discuss the role of your parent or guardian in choosing an online community. Summarize the purpose of COPPA, Privacy Policies and Terms of Use. Share an idea for creating a safe online community for people under age 13.
Key Terms COPPA - The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a set of laws created to protect the privacy of children under 13. private - information that you keep to yourself, or only share with people that you can trust. Privacy Policy - a document that (1) explains the type of information that a company or online service collects from people who use the site or service, and (2) describes how the company or online service will uses the personal information. Most websites make their privacy policies available to site visitors. public - available for other people to see, to visit, and to use. (e.g. public library, “open to the public”) Terms of Use - rules that a person must agree to follow in order to use a website, app or online service. third party – a company, other than the online service, that may use the personal information from the people who use the site or app in order to make money. (e.g. third party ads that are often found in “free” or “lite” versions of an app or online game.)
Join the Nation!