Dr I Cross & Dr D Shepherd Leicester Primary Care Group An Integrated Sexual Health Service Dr I Cross & Dr D Shepherd Leicester Primary Care Group www.shacc.co.uk
Motherhood and Apple Pie (or User-choice & Condoms) User friendly – access & welcome Cost effective Integrated GUM and contraception Confidential & discreet National priorities - LARC / chlamydia www.shacc.co.uk
What we set up . . . . . . a networked, integrated, confidential, local sexual health service pilot for Leicester city residents across 10 practices, delivered through dedicated GP & nurse appointments. www.shacc.co.uk
This involved… www.shacc.co.uk Centralised booking single access point Staffed & served by a secure website only visible to providers Sexual health training for practice staff Negotiating appointments / times with practices Advertising the service – leaflet & public website Monthly Miquest anonymised data returns to central database via secure NHSnet mail www.shacc.co.uk
as well as… www.shacc.co.uk Governance arrangements APMS contract and subcontracts to practices Negotiating a local tariff for the service Sourcing materials Establishing a steering group Developing an invoicing process Banking arrangements www.shacc.co.uk
Progress so far www.shacc.co.uk Established in-principle workability Early signs of a culture shift in SH delivery locally You can herd cats that want to be herded You can work with an organisation with no organisational memory A millennium of woman years of long acting reversible contraception www.shacc.co.uk
Progress so far
Ongoing Challenges New SHACC practices Service to non registered patients How to move to a more permanent arrangement Publicity / acceptability - 11.6% work from non-Shacc provider practices (at least 16) Fit with other services – GUM / Family Planning Are short term financial pressures more important than long term service re-design for the PCT?
Questions? www.shacc.co.uk
The potential gains
The potential gains