CS Diversity Committee Update 3/24/17 Tech Girls camp Graduate School Climate Survey Advising, LGBTQ+ community, International students Diversity Committee members will be publicized, if any faculty have had safe zone training please let us know CS Faculty Diversity Portal VT Advancing Diversity Workshop AWC Women In Computing Day is next Friday, this is coordinated by AWC, please continue your support Women, Computing, and Women in Computing: An Open Discussion about Prospects and Responses in the Trump Era Tuesday March 28, 7-8:30 McBryde 110 SHPE, CRA-W, CAPWIC, Tapia, Grace Hopper June 7 – 10 NSBE student leaders conference hosted at VT NCWIT update http://www.hokiepride.org.vt.edu/ O-stem SHPE, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers CRA-W, Computing Research Association CAPWIC, Capital Area Region Women in Computing Tapia, Grace Hopper NCWIT update June 7 – 10 NSBE student leaders Search Results National Society of Black Engineers: Home We had our Aspirations event in Richmond at the Bank of America complex on March 11. It was the largest event we've done and the students, parents, and teachers gave it excellent reviews. We recognized 30 winners, 31 honorable mentions, and 4 national honorable mentions. With the space provided by Bank of America, we were able to invite all 65 students with their families and teachers to the event.