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Insert Fun Fact or Picture… Insert text here… Insert text here… Insert text here…
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Write in the flower or add a picture! Create a Header! More space! Write Stuff! Write in the flower or add a picture!
Maximize Our Potential A Note from Mrs. Spivey Monday, August 17, 2015 We established our “Classroom Covenant” (class rules) this week. We will: Treat Others Right Make Smart Decisions Maximize Our Potential Consequences for Behavior: Reminder Warning Class Dojo 5 minutes of recess/Reflection Call home to parents. You can follow your child’s daily behavior by joining our class on classdojo.com. Please let me know if you need log-in information. Reading: We will read Because of Winn Dixie as a class focus text. Students will be given the book. They are responsible for taking good care of the book & bringing it to/from school each day. Read chapters 1-5 this week.. Text will be read in class and at home. Quiz on Friday. Student reading groups will also begin this week. Math: We will practice rounding whole numbers to the nearest tens place and hundreds place value. Students will create a math journal with tutorial information for each unit of study. This is a good review before quizzes. Quiz on rounding Friday. Homework: Homework reinforces math, spelling & reading skills. Each week students will have: Read 20 minutes. Spelling activity Practice math facts. Time yourself for 5 minutes .Record the # correct in your agenda. See how you improve! Homework should take 30 minutes. We enjoyed a surprise visit by Governor Nathan Deal and the First Lady. Mrs. Spivey was surely sad to miss the visit! Other Thoughts: Students brought home “paper dolls” last week of themselves to be returned today. These will accompany a writing project. Please return the completed dolls to school if you have not already done so. Thanks! Follow our latest school & class information at http://fairview.ga.hce.schoolinsites.com/