The Do’s and Don’ts of how to dress professionally Looking the Part
Do…. Wear clean, wrinkle-free clothes. Make sure that the buttons are not coming off or missing. Wear appropriate shoes in good condition—no tennis shoes. Make sure your hair is cut, washed, and styled neatly. Men, be neatly shaved. Have clean, trimmed nails. Use deodorant.
Don’t…. Don’t wear heavy perfume or aftershave. Women, don’t use heavy makeup. Don’t dress flashy, wear extreme hairdos, or revealing clothing to get attention. Avoid wearing jeans and t-shirts. Avoid big purses, dangling earrings, or jingling belts. Do not smoke, chew gum, or use tobacco.
Workplace Relationships
Do not become too intimate with coworkers or with the supervisor Coworkers may think that you want to be the supervisor’s pet and they may become angry and jealous. becoming friendly with a coworker is all right as long as others are not excluded treat with equal respect in work-related situations
Let someone know if personal problem are affecting your work don’t burden your employer or coworkers briefly explain the problem to help them understand why the quality of your work may have suffered.
Learn to keep emotions and feelings under control stay calm and don’t lose your temper Keep your voice calm and speak clearly. don’t curse or start to cry If someone continues to harass you after you have spoken to them, talk to the supervisor privately about the problem
Avoid gossiping about coworkers