Spare Chambers Proposal: send them at INFN Bologna From Bologna ship them to SIEN-01 and FRAS-01 More spare chambers to be built in October-November How do we select schools to be sent at CERN?
Alternanza scuola-lavoro Really last polishing under way Goal: present it during Bari meeting Will be circulated in the EEE collaboration in advance Based on what has been previoulsy agreed, just minor changes
ERC grants Trying to give our EEE collegues to apply Under study one possibility about coincidences among clusters in different cities (starting grant) Other possibilities for the Consolidator grants (deadline in February 2017
Various Many presentations at SIF 2016! One presentation at IPRD 2016 News about clock distribution card, trigger card, letter to the schools, meeting in Bari
Run-3 Start on 13 October Two weeks of commissioning End on 30 June