Buddhist Beliefs Generosity © Martin Downes, 2016, CC BY NC. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. You are free to use, share and adapt this work. Not for commercial use.
Today’s Learning Intentions I can describe Buddhist beliefs about generosity I can reflect on how I demonstrate generosity in my own life What are our success criteria?
What is generosity? Class Discussion Images used with permission: https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6191/6080870810_8e96bf8ca7_b.jpg
Today’s theme is generosity. Think about stories, events, or personal experiences which relate to the theme of generosity. Discuss your ideas in pairs. Think Discuss in Pairs Images used with permission: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e7/Giving_a_gift.jpg
What sorts of gifts are good to give? Class Discussion What sorts of gifts are good to give?
Is it possible to be too generous? Class Discussion Is it possible to be too generous?
Listen and read along to the script about King Shibi. Images used with permission: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/Test_of_Shibi.jpg/800px-Test_of_Shibi.jpg
Write Buddhists believe that King Shibi was the Buddha in a previous life. This story teaches Buddhists about the importance of generosity. What do you think about the story? Answer these questions in your jotters: Why did Shibi want to give away parts of his body? Why couldn’t he be satisfied with giving away money or other things like that? Why do you think the gods tested King Shibi? What does this story tell us about Buddhists beliefs on generosity? Images used with permission: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/Kindness_of_Shibi.jpg 1. Shibi gave away parts of his body because… 2. The gods tested Shibi becase... 3. Buddhists believe generosity is…
Fact Check: Buddhist Beliefs Buddhists believe it is important to be generous. They also believe that we shouldn’t be too attached to things, like our phones, our money or even our bodies. For Buddhists, being generous is a good way of showing that they are not attached to their things, and instead want to use what they have to help others.
Interviews Working in pairs, one person take on the role of Shibi, the other person is a interviewer from a newspaper. The interviewer should try and think of three interesting and relevant questions to ask Shibi about what happened. Shibi should try to answer the questions based on what we have learned so far. Be ready to feedback to the rest of the class! Ideas for interviewer: Why was Shibi so generous? What was he thinking when he offered parts of his body? Does Shibi think it’s possible to be too generous? Does he think it is fair to be tested by gods? Ideas for Shibi: Why did he offer his body instead of money or something else? Was he in pain? Did he feel good or bad about what he did? How far do you think he was willing to go? Images used with permission: https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4101/4854142937_a1b1737d62_b.jpg
Reflection Class Discussion Do you consider yourself to be a generous person? Does Buddhism offer a good example of how to be generous? Do you think all Buddhists are expected to give away parts of their bodies to be generous? What could you do to be more generous in your life?
Did we achieve our learning intentions? I can describe Buddhist beliefs about generosity I can reflect on how I demonstrate generosity in my own life
Read Think Class Discussion Discuss in Pairs Write Discuss in Groups Video Listen