Important People, Symbols, Holidays and Celebrations in Judaism
Important People in Judaism Abraham Who were they? Father of Judaism life story is told in the book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible God made a covenant with Abraham promising to bless him with descendants “like the sands of the sea” and a nation for him and the Israelites Source: Adapted from “Abraham.” New World Encyclopedia. MOUNTAINOUS Depiction of Abraham circa 1180 by Herrad von Landsberg Source:,_Der_Scho%C3%9F_Abrahams.JPG
Important People in Judaism Moses Who were they? Life story told in the Torah Freed the Israelite slaves from Egypt God gave Moses the Ten Commandments Many Jewish people believe he wrote the Torah Source: Adapted from “Moses.” New World Encyclopedia. Moses with the Tablets of the Law. Rembrandt, 1695. Source:
Important Holidays and Celebrations in Judaism Sabbath What is it? Weekly day of rest in Judaism, some forms of Christianity, and other religious traditions In Judaism, it is observed from before sundown on Friday until after nightfall on Saturday special prayers are said and work is prohibited Source: “Sabbath.” New World Encyclopedia.
Important Holidays and Celebrations in Judaism Passover What is it? Holiday commemorating the Exodus and the freedom of the Israelites from ancient Egypt led by Moses Normally celebrated in the early spring Source: “Passover.” New World Encyclopedia. Israel's Escape from Egypt, illustration from a Bible card published 1907 by the Providence Lithograph Company Source:
Important Holidays and Celebrations in Judaism Hanukkah What is it? an eight-day Jewish holiday marking the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem after the Macabeean revolt of the second century B.C.E. observed in Jewish homes by exchanging presents and lighting candles on the menorah on each of the festival's eight nights Source: “Hanukkah.” New World Encyclopedia. Menorah seen here with eight candles lit (the ninth candle is the service, Shamash, Hebrew: שמש), used during the Jewish Hanukkah holiday. Source:
Important Symbols in Judaism The Star of David What is it? named after King David of ancient Israel, which consists of two interlocking equilateral triangles used to adorn the cover of the Torah, and it is found on Jewish synagogues and tombstones Source: Source:
Important Symbols in Judaism Menorah What is it? a sacred candle holder used in Jewish ritual practice, and one of the oldest symbols of the Jewish people The original seven branched menorah symbolized the burning bush as seen by Moses on Mount Sinai, and thus represented the light of God a special type of Menorah, known as a Chanukkiyah or Hanukiah with nine branches, became associated with the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah Source: “Menorah.” New World Encyclopedia. Source: