These slides and their contents are Copyright © 2008 Douglas Connect. All rights reserved Douglas Connect Introduction & background 5 September 2008 OpenTox Kick-off Meeting Basel, Switzerland
Where were coming from… Our activities are all based on the foundations of a community approach… …because we believe strongly in the concept of the virtual organisation… …to achieve results in solving important issues in education, research and healthcare… …and hence we are passionate about our coordination role in OpenTox and working towards establishing a world-leading predictive toxicology platform.
Network & Community Projects InnovationWell ( is a member-based network of experts, researchers and executives with a common interest in innovation and knowledge management in the healthcare sector. The Communitys program has the goal of achieving improved outcomes in healthcare product development & delivery through cross-disciplinary use of innovative technologies, knowledge-based strategies and supporting integrated and semantic-based informatics systems. (Founded end of 2003) The eCheminfo Network and Community of Practice ( is dedicated to the communication of research and development of best practices in cheminformatics, bioinformatics and modelling of relevance to drug discovery. The network involves a diversity of subject matter expertise including experienced professionals from the life science and pharmaceutical industry, vendors, research institutes, universities and government. A number of recent international conferences and workshops have been organised which have taken place in the UK, Switzerland and the USA, in addition to several virtual conferences. (Founded end of 2003)
Development of our Networks 1. Networks with Community of Practice Activity – learning, shared understanding - Social network development (Start – 2003) 2. Addition of Community of Research Activity – Collaborative research (Starting – 2008) 3. Motivate Addition of Community of Innovation Activity – Value creation (2010 – )
eCheminfo Drug Discovery Workshop Next Workshop; Hyderabad December 2008
Best Practice Community Approaches
Initiation of Virtual Screening Best Practice Initiative
Initiation of Virtual Screening Best Practice Initiative – wiki-supported
SYNERGY In Collaboration Participate Collaborate Contribute Knowledge-oriented Collaboration SYNERGY Vision EC FP7 funded project commenced 1 February Douglas Connects role: Industry Needs, Assessment, Requirements, Use Cases, Piloting, Validation.
Pharmaceutical industry – Currrent Journey from 10,000 leads to 1 or 0 products on market Progressing the development of safer more successful drugs with collaboration approach. OpenTox Integrating Predictive Toxicology Framework can help establish earlier prediction of safety issues during discovery and development.
Primary Objectives of café discussions: build relationships, exchange knowledge, develop workplans Form equal groups at café tables, each with own topic. Rotate (disperse) members based on their topic preferences, Moderator stays fixed. A sort of musical chairs. Moderator facilitates discussion on table specialty (topic). Wiki-supported at each table for Knowledge capture Repeat until all members visit planned number of table topics. Knowledge Café Approach for OpenTox Kick-off Meeting in Basel Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5