Giri Govardhan By: Tejas Paramkusham
Guru Vandana Om Ajnana Timirandhasya Jnaanaanjana Salaakaya Caksur Unmilitam yena Tasmai Sri Gurave Namah
Preparations for Indra Pooja Vrajavasis prepare lots of food for Indra pooja.
Krishna convinces Nanda and the other vrajavasis that they should worship Govardhan instead of Indra
The vrajavasis take all the preparations and go to Govardhan hill
Lord Govardhan is happy with the food offered by the Vrajavasis
Krishna prasaadena samasta saila Saamraajyam aapnoti ca vairino api Sakrasya yah praapa balim ca saakshaad Govardhano me disataam abhiishtam
Narada muni informs Lord Indra that the vrajavasis worshipped Govardhan hill instead of him.
Indra became furious and ordered Samvartaka to flood and destroy Vrindavan.
Krishna lifts Govardhan Hill and holding it for 7 days and 7 nights.
Indra asks Krishna for forgiveness.
Quiz time ! Why did Krishna use his left pinkie to lift Govardhan? Which lake did Giri Govardhan drink the water from? How old was Krishna when he lifted Govardhan? How long did Krishna holding Govardhan? Who informed Indra that the Vrajavasis were not doing Indra puja that year?
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare