Dizziness by Rolls and Spins by Jacey Hamilton
what makes me more dizzy rolls or spins? the question that is guiding my project is what makes me dizzier rolls or spins?.
backround I chose this topic because i used to spin and roll just for fun. But after that i always felt really dizzy and sick. I found this on the science website so i decided to try it out.
Hypothesis If i test spins and rolls then it will show that rolls will make you dizzier than spinsjj nk
variables the independent variable is spins vs rolls the dependent variable is how dizzy you are the constants are your body your eyes your hair
procedures gather materials get a big space test your rolls put your dizziness on a scale from 1 to 10 do steps 3 & 4 for the spins graph them
conclusion In conclusion after i tested rolls and spins they both made me really dizzy but rolls made me more dizzy than spins.