WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK FOR PRECISION FARMING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Volodymyr ROMANOV Doctor of Sciences, Head of Department V.M. Glushkov’s Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Prospect Akademika Glushkova 40, Kiev–187, 03680, Ukraine; e-mail: Vromanov@i.ua website: http://www.dasd.com.ua
2 Development of low-cost wireless smart biosensors for express-diagnostics of common state of plants and creating the proper software and methodical support for integration of these biosensors into wireless sensor network for express- diagnostics of plant state on large territories are the urgent tasks for precision agriculture and environmental protection.
Global requirements to wireless sensor network: failure-resistance 3 Global requirements to wireless sensor network: failure-resistance scaling manufacture cost type of operational environment topology of sensor network hardware restrictions data transferring model energy consumption Requirements to node of wireless sensor network: long-term autonomous work reliability of data sending and receiving a large communication range small size and weight stability to climate influence
4 Organization of connection between nodes in developed wireless sensor network
Wireless biosensor of "Floratest" family 5 Wireless biosensor of "Floratest" family
6 Conclusion Development of wireless sensor network for industrial agriculture and environmental monitoring is very complicated task. Implementation of proposed wireless sensor networks to industrial agriculture and environmental protection makes it possible to increase efficiency and quality of end product, spare fertilizers, water and energy resources, timely protect plants of woodlands and parklands from infections and anthropogenic impact. 2. Application of such wireless sensor networks are considerably wider than only precision farming, ecological monitoring and environmental protection.