Authors names: Andrei Florin Tabacu University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest Faculty of Horticulture International Student Symposium “Hortus Academicus” March 29, 2019, Bucharest, Romania Pomological caracterization of some hybrid selection paw paw fruit ( Asimina triloba Dunal ) Authors names: Andrei Florin Tabacu Coordinator Professor: Prof. dr. Florin Stanică International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
Introduction Asimina triloba, the pawpaw, paw paw, or paw-paw, among many regional names, is a small deciduous tree native to the eastern United States and Canada. The fruits when matured has different sizes and shapes, the color deffers between light green and golden yellow. The fruits of asimina have significant content in carbohydrates and fiber,vitamins B C, mineral elements P Mg K and essential acids. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
Objective Pomological caracterization of same hybrid selection paw paw fruit (Asimina triloba Dunal)
Materials and Methods Location of experience: The experience is placed in the Didactic Campus of the Horticulture Departament behind the Horticulture University. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
Methods: Comparison between the nr. of buds, flowers and fruits Fruits numbering Nr. of fruits in a brunch/tree Setting the maturation period Production Fruits measurement and analysis Seeds measurement Sensory analysis of fruits
TSS and Dry matter
Vitamin C
Results and discussions Comparison between the nr. of buds, flowers and fruits: To be able to determine the percentage of related fruits I had in experience 6 genotypes of those 26 genotypes from didactic campus. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
Fruits numbering The fruits have been numbered for easier identification because we have several genotypes in experience whose fruits not deffers greatly from each other.
Nr. of fruits in a brunch/tree
8 fruits 9 fruits
Maturation and harvesting of fruits: The fruits have been maturated gradually and the harvesting it lasted for 2 months and a half : 13.8.2018-29.10.2918 13.8.2018-29.10.2018 31.8.2018-14.9.2018 24.9.2018-17.10.2018 R1P2 R1P7 R1P8
The fruits when matured have a light green, yellowish green or golden yellow depending of the genotypes.
Production Nr. of fruits/tree R1P6 R2P9
Production expressed in kg/tree R1P10 R2P1
Fruits measurement 5.82 Genotype Average fruit weight g Height cm Diameter 1 cm Diameter 2 cm R1P1 75.69 6.95 4.40 4.19 R1P2 116.59 8.11 5.12 4.84 R1P3 189.54 9.13 6.60 6.19 R1P4 147.61 7.94 5.71 5.34 R1P5 120.68 8.58 5.60 4.93 R1P6 140.35 8.27 5.50 5.24 R1P7 98.83 7.14 4.63 4.57 R1P8 167.51 9.81 5.96 5.32 R1P9 183.90 9.56 5.91 5.77 R1P10 182.85 10.01 6.06 R1P11 122.56 7.59 5.64 R2P1 182.15 9.11 6.05 5.65 R2P1 AL/ Allegheny 116.11 8.33 4.98 4.85 R2P1 ALT/ Allegheny 109.74 8.34 4.69 4.55 R2P2 50.03 5.82 4.00 3.79 R2P2 Altoit/ Potomac 78.9 7.68 4.16 R2P3 92.5 5.03 4.44 R2P4 138.62 9.87 5.14 4.72 R2P5 70.36 7.01 4.28 4.03 R2P6 122.22 8.76 5.17 4.89 R2P7 130.66 8.17 5.47 5.16 R2P8 102.53 7.88 4.96 R2P9 92.09 7.73 4.82 4.50 R2P10 120.05 5.31 R2P11 155.38 9.96 5.46 5.18 SIMINA 157.96 9.84 5.84 5.40 RP 115.34 8.02 4.34
Shape of the fruits Genotype Height cm Diameter 1 cm Diameter 2 cm Index of shape Fruit shape R1P1 6.95 4.40 4.19 1.62 elongate R1P2 8.11 5.12 4.84 1.63 R1P3 9.13 6.60 6.19 1.43 R1P4 7.94 5.71 5.34 1.44 R1P5 8.58 5.60 4.93 R1P6 8.27 5.50 5.24 1.54 R1P7 7.14 4.63 4.57 1.55 R1P8 9.81 5.96 5.32 1.74 R1P9 9.56 5.91 5.77 1.64 R1P10 10.01 6.06 1.69 R1P11 7.59 5.64 1.39 R2P1 9.11 6.05 5.65 1.56 R2P1 AL/ Allegheny 8.33 4.98 4.85 R2P1 ALT/ Allegheny 8.34 4.69 4.55 1.81 R2P2 5.82 4.00 3.79 1.49 R2P2 Altoit/ Potomac 7.68 4.16 1.76 R2P3 5.03 4.44 R2P4 9.87 5.14 4.72 2.00 R2P5 7.01 4.28 4.03 R2P6 8.76 5.17 4.89 R2P7 8.17 5.47 5.16 R2P8 7.88 4.96 R2P9 7.73 4.82 4.50 1.66 R2P10 5.31 R2P11 9.96 5.46 5.18 1.87 SIMINA 9.84 5.84 5.40 1.75 RP 8.02 4.34 1.80
Seeds measurement Genotype Nr of seeds/fruits Weight seeds g/fruit Weight g/seed R1P1 5.6 5.2 0.9 R1P2 6 8.6 1.4 R1P3 8 14.2 1.8 R1P4 2.3 3.7 1.6 R1P5 8.5 R1P6 3.5 1.5 R1P7 3 4.3 R1P8 7.3 10.1 R1P9 5.3 8.4 R1P10 4.5 R1P11 5.4 9.2 1.7 R2P1 5.9 9 R2P1 AL/ Allegheny 7.6 9.8 1.3 R2P1 ALT/ Allegheny 8.8 10.3 1.2 R2P2 4.7 4.4 R2P2 Altoit/ Potomac 6.9 R2P3 11 10.9 1 R2P4 7.8 11.5 R2P5 12.6 R2P6 6.5 7.5 R2P7 5.7 8.1 R2P8 4.1 R2P9 4.6 1.1 R2P10 6.8 8.3 R2P11 7 10.6 SIMINA 9.6
R1P1 R2P2
Shape of the seeds Genotupe Height cm Diameter 1 cm Diameter 2 cm Index of shape Shape R1P1 2.13 1.27 0.75 2.11 elongate R1P6 1.79 1.29 0.74 1.77 R1P10 2.57 1.51 0.80 2.24 R1P11 2.85 1.36 0.77 2.67 R2P1 2.56 1.48 0.76 2.28 R2P1 AL/ Allegheny 2.39 1.35 0.82 2.21 R2P1 ALT/ Allegheny 1.31 2.22 R2P2 2.06 1.34 1.96 R2P4 1.45 R2P6 2.35 1.16 1.88 R2P8 2.25 1.47 0.73 2.04 R2P9 2.15 1.37 2.05 R2P10 2.60 2.46
R1P10 R1P1
Fruit analyzes Genotype Brix Brix 2 Total dry substance R1P1 26.27 13.40 29.98% R1P2 20.93 17.30 25.05% R1P3 19.77 - 22.92% R1P4 27.90 30.95% R1P5 21.93 11.80 22.30% R1P6 26.10 26.97% R1P7 22.07 23.71% R1P8 21.23 18.40 23.76% R1PP9 25.87 18.60 28.93% R1P10 23.97 15.70 26.63% R1P11 23.77 26.23% R2P1 20.87 24.13% R2P1 AL/ Allegheny 21.37 26.78% R2P1 ALT/ Allegheny 20.17 9.47% R2P2 15.40 17.18% R2P2 Altoit/ Potomac 24.33 28.69% R2P3 25.03 27.01% R2P4 22.27 19.50 24.04% R2P5 16.03 14.00 20.19% R2P6 22.03 26.72% R2P7 26.13 28.80% R2P8 27.10 24.00 31.05% R2P9 23.20 26.00 26.32% R2P10 22.97 26.02% R2P11 23.87 19.00 26.51% Simina 20.00 23.10%
Average (Ascorbic acid mg/100 g asimina) Vitamin C Genotype C (mg/100 g asimina) Average (Ascorbic acid mg/100 g asimina) sample 1 sample 2 R2P1 AL/ Allegheny 17.89 18.44 18.16 R2P1 ALT/ Allegheny 18.79 19.46 19.13
Sensory analysis of fruits Genotype Fruit size (1-3) Fruit shape (1-3) Attractive appearance (1-5) Pulp firmness (1-5) Pulp succulent (1-3) Color of the pulp (1-3) Taste (1-6) Flavor (1-4) Total (1-32) R1P1 2.00 2.33 1.33 3.00 17.67 R1P2 1.78 1.67 2.11 2.22 16.44 R1P5 1.80 1.40 1.20 1.60 13.00 R1P8 2.82 2.36 2.55 2.09 1.91 2.18 4.18 2.64 20.73 R1P9 1.88 1.63 1.50 1.75 2.13 13.50 R1P10 5.00 3.33 21.00 R2P4 3.38 2.38 17.50 R2P5 2.29 2.43 2.14 4.29 2.71 20.29 R2P6 2.27 3.36 2.45 18.82 R2P8 4.00 20.09 R2P9 1.89 1.56 3.78 2.67 17.78 R2P11 2.50 2.30 2.20 2.10 4.10 2.90 19.70 RP 1.90 3.30 17.90 For sensory analysis I had a sample of 20 people made of students , analysts and teachers with ages between 19 and 56 years.
Conclusions and recommendations After the measurements and the analyzes I recommend : Earliness and lateness: R1P2, R1P8 Production/tree: R1P6, R2P1 Fruits measurement: R1P3, R2P1, R2P4 Fruits analysis:R1P4, R2P9, Allegheny Seeds measurement: R1P4, R2P2 Sensory analysis: R1P10, R1P8 International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ April 27, 2018 - Bucharest, Romania
Thank you for your attention! International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019- Bucharest, Romania