The Festival of Passover – end of topic assessment RPS Year 8 Homework Menu : Spring 1 : The Festival of Passover/Moral issues Each half term, you are required to complete two pieces of homework. You will be given two deadlines; one for the first piece of homework, and one for the second. You may choose which of the three tasks you complete for each homework. The Festival of Passover – end of topic assessment Deadline : ________________ #1 : Was God right? Assessment Write a detailed answer to the question ‘was God right to punish the Egyptians?’, following the structured grid given to you in your lesson. Remember to refer to the ideas that came up during the class debate. You must refer to the opinions of both the Egyptian and Israelite people, as well as your own, backed up with reasons and explanations. Try to explain whether or not you think that God was right to punish all of the Egyptian people for the Pharaoh’s choices, when they might not necessarily have all been responsible. Extension : You might also want to suggest how God might have dealt with the situation better, by considering his omnipotent and omnibenevolent nature. #2 : Moral Issues- alcohol awareness Literacy Task: Write a speech (at least 350 words in length) that could be read out in an assembly to warn young people about the dangers of underage drinking. Think about: What are the health risks associated? What risks might people take when under the influence? Why should young people stay away from drinking alcohol? Creative Task: You will need to use the internet to complete this task. Create a storyboard with a minimum of 6 boxes showing the journey of alcohol as it flows through the body once it has been consumed. This ‘story’ must be accurate, showing how the body is affected by alcohol as it passes through the body. Make your story board colourful! Research Task: Visit the website Create a detailed poster showing: Why teenagers drink alcohol underage What are the statistics? How does alcohol affect the health of teens? Deadline :______________ Name Tutor RPS Class